Discovery of a new species of Aloe
Discovery of a new species of Aloe Good news, our big island has not finished surprising us yet. "L'Express de Madagascar" announces the discovery of a new species of Aloe endemic to Madagascar. Congratulations to Doctor Letsara Rokiman "Aloe analavenensis Letsara" or
Discover our new website !
Discover our new website ! And let yourself be inspired by our many new photos ! We have completely revised it, in order to offer you better browsing comfort and to better inform you about our establishment and our services.
Supporting the talents of the hotel industry of tomorrow
SUPPORTING THE TALENTS OF THE HOTEL INDUSTRY OF TOMORROW UNWTO : Hospitality Challenge, support the talents of the hotel industry of tomorrow To identify ideas and individuals capable of accelerating the recovery of the tourism sector post-COVID-19, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and Summit
Coco Lodge Majunga distinguished by Tripadvisor
Coco Lodge Majunga distinguished by Tripadvisor Coco Lodge Majunga distinguished by Tripadvisor. YES, it's clear, we're well set ! Tripadvisor awarded the Travelers' Choice award to the Hotel ★★★ Restaurant gourmand coconut Lodge Majunga. What is "Travellers' Choice" ? Tripadvisor awards a
Meet tourism players all over Madagascar #Tourisme_Madagascar #Majunga
Meet the actors in tourism everywhere in Madagascar. For World Tourism Day held this 27 September, #CocoLodgeMajunga is proud to have participated in this video made with Geoffrey Gaspard : Meet the
Yesterday's Prime Minister's Address
Speech by the Prime Minister yesterday The council of ministers on Saturday 19 September 2020 adopted decree No. 2020-1183 extending the duration of the state of health emergency in Madagascar for fifteen days throughout the Malagasy territory from the same
Fruit at breakfast#Fruits #BIO #Naturel #Restaurant #Majunga #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
fruit for breakfast fruit for breakfast : very good for health The benefits of fruits are not negligible, especially to start the day. Many people have a bad habit of not breakfast, for lack of time.
Domestic flights resume in September #Coronavirus #Covid19 #Madagascar #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Domestic flights resume in September In his speech this Sunday, 23 August 2020, The President of the Republic of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, announced the resumption of domestic flights in September. Air transport users will finally be able to
Deconfinement expected in Madagascar #Coronavirus #Covid19 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Deconfinement expected in Madagascar The last days, the phase of decline is confirmed and continues. And deconfinement is expected in Madagascar, by the majority of the population. President Andry Rajoelina will hold an allowance tomorrow Sunday 23 August
Green Climate #MEDD #Environnement #Climat #Madagascar #ChangementClimatique #DéveloppementDurable #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille Fund
Green Climate Fund Madagascar prepares the launch of the national accreditation process for the Green Climate Fund (FVC). The latter represents the largest global climate fund with a total portfolio of 19 billion USD in 2020. For the environment
World Humanitarian Day #RealLifeHeroes #Coronavirus #Covid19 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
World Humanitarian Day Each 19 August of the year, international community dedicates World Humanitarian Day to honor humanitarian workers who sacrifice their lives helping communities in distress. It is also at the
Youth and the environment #31DaysOfYouth #Environnement #Biodiversité #Nature #Jeunesse #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Youth and the environment Youth is the future of mankind It's an absolute reality. Youth and the environment are the future of humanity. If, like every year, we celebrated this 12 August World Youth Day, is to recognize that the