Madagascar among the most peaceful countries in sub-Saharan Africa
Madagascar parmi les pays les plus pacifiques de l’Afrique subsaharienne Madagascar se trouve à la 44ème place sur les 163 countries ranked in the Global Peace Index (Ipm) 2024. The big island found itself at a high level of peace. Madagascar
Air Safety in Madagascar : ACM in action
Air Safety in Madagascar : l’ACM en action L'année 2024 marks an era of facilitation in the field of international civil aviation. Continuous improvement to optimize operations. Objectifs tenus par l’ACM pour la sécurité aérienne L'Aviation Civile de Madagascar se consacre particulièrement
Madagascar : balance sheet and outlook for Cheneso
Madagascar : bilan et perspective concernant Cheneso Après un long et lent périple sur Madagascar, Cheneso found the sea. The system should take advantage of this to strengthen again above the warm waters of the Mozambique Channel. Madagascar : assessment and outlook
World Tourism day 2020
World Tourism day 2020 Tourism and rural development "Tourism and rural development" is the theme of World Tourism Day 2020. Celebrated every 27 September since 1980, the 40th anniversary comes as tourism confronts
Domestic flights resume in September #Coronavirus #Covid19 #Madagascar #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Domestic flights resume in September In his speech this Sunday, 23 August 2020, The President of the Republic of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, announced the resumption of domestic flights in September. Air transport users will finally be able to
Your safety is our priority#StopCovid19 #Coronavirus #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Your security is our priority To ensure the safety and health of our customers, our employees and employees, we signed a Charter. And we are committed to strictly respecting it. Your safety is our priority. We hold
MVE at Coco Lodge Majunga every Tuesday #MieuxVivreEnsembleaMadagascar #ConseillersConsulairesDesFrançaisDeMadagascar #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
MVE at Coco Lodge Majunga every Tuesday To live better together in a serene community, a free reception service, listening, information and advice will be provided by the volunteers of "Better Living Together in Majunga" -MVE- every Tuesday from 5:00 p.m.
The 8 may 1945 – End of the Second World War#MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
The 08 may 1945 – Fin de la seconde guerre mondiale Fin officielle de la guerre Le 8 may 1945 - End of the Second World War. L'histoire a retenu cette date pour marquer la fin d'un conflit inouï. La Seconde Guerre mondiale
Stop Intox on social media #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Stop Intox on social networks The planet “Facebook” warned Stop Intox on social networks Andriamanohisoa Raherijaona,MPTDN(Post Office, of Telecommunications and the digital development) warns troublemakers on the internet. Stop Intox on social networks ! Activists and whistleblowers must moderate their comments
Majunga Entrepreneurs Are Concerned about the development #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Majunga Entrepreneurs are concerned about development Exceptional evening of meetings CEOI dinner-meetings at Coco Lodge Majunga : Majunga Entrepreneurs are concerned about the development of the region. Last night, Friday, 06 March at Coco Lodge Majunga, its