Ecological coal, an innovative solution against deforestation
Ecological coal, une solution innovante contre la déforestation Face à la déforestation croissante, ecological coal emerges as a sustainable solution, combining forest preservation and waste recovery. Alternative durable au charbon de bois À Madagascar, near 80 % homes
Madagascar is the first country to benefit from a climate loan
Madagascar est le premier pays à bénéficier d’un prêt climatique Le vendredi 21 June 2024, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund announced to grant a loan of 321 million dollars for Madagascar over three years to “stimulate
Madagascar, best green destination in the Indian Ocean 2023
Madagascar, best green destination in the Indian Ocean 2023 The big island wins for the seventh consecutive time, The price " best green destination in the Indian Ocean " as part of the 30th edition of the World Travel Awards. Madagascar, best green destination
World Tourism day 2023 : Tourism for green investments
World Tourism day 2023 : Tourisme pour les investissements verts Aujourd'hui le 27 September 2023, we celebrate World Tourism Day. La journée est dédiée cette année au sujet du « Tourisme pour les investissements verts Journée Mondiale du Tourisme 2023 :
The solution to climate change
La solution au changement climatique Les événements climatiques des dix dernières années n’ont pas été des plus cléments. How to explain this phenomenon of intensification of natural disasters ? What solutions to regulate this climate problem ? We have natural solutions, economically viable,
Environment : All together to green Madagascar
Environment : Tous ensemble pour reverdir Madagascar L'avenir de Madagascar et des Malagasy repose sur les ressources naturelles renouvelables que le pays dispose. But the state alone can't do everything, everyone needs to be mobilized to
Stop the bushfires
Stop aux feux de brousse Des immenses feux de forêt se sont succédés ces derniers temps à Madagascar. The latter and its national parks are today prey to flames. Stop the bushfires. Stop aux feux de brousse A Madagascar, the
Let's fight together against plastic pollution
Luttons tous ensemble contre la pollution plastique Les déchets plastiques sont devenus une menace omniprésente pour la santé publique, livelihoods and the environment. It is in this sense that we must fight together against plastic pollution and keep
Coco Lodge Majunga continues its commitment to sustainable tourism
Coco Lodge Majunga continues its commitment to sustainable tourism Sustainable tourism development requires participation, informed, of all the actors concerned, as well as a strong political leadership to ensure broad participation and the existence of a consensus.
COP26 : Madagascar against global warming
COP26 : Madagascar against global warming. “We must act here and now” says President Andry Rajoelina
Ankarafantsika : “Congratulations to our heroes ! »
Ankarafantsika : “Congratulations to our heroes ! ». After 05 days of struggle, they managed to control the flames, despite difficulties.
05 June : world environment day
05 June : world environment day : "Nature's Time". Investing in ecosystems, it's investing in our future