World Swimming Championships : Alefa Madagascar !
World Swimming Championships : Alefa Madagascar ! Madagascar will be represented by Jonathan Harivony Raharvel and Idealy Tendrinavalona at the World Swimming Championships. They are expected in Doha in February 2024. Alefa Madagascar ! Madagascar attendu aux Championnats du monde de natation Madagascar
Happy New Year to all our Chinese friends
Bonne année à tous nos amis chinois En-effet, this Sunday 22 January will be the Lunar New Year 2023, which marks the transition to the year of the Water Rabbit, which will last until 9 February 2024. Happy New Year to all our friends
Madagascar is ready for the total reopening of borders
Madagascar is ready for the total reopening of borders From now on, Madagascar is ready for the total reopening of borders, confirmed the Minister of Transport and Meteorology during an interview this 31 March 2022. More flights, cheaper tickets The
World “THANK YOU” Day
World “THANK YOU” Day World “THANK YOU” Day is in the spotlight every 11 January. This is the opportunity to thank with this polite word for the little things in life, or those who help us on a daily basis. Thanks to
Coco Lodge Majunga in videos
Coco Lodge Majunga in videos : A dream stage in Madagascar ; and a starting point for many excursions
Thank you for participating in our Contest Games
Thank you for participating in our Contest Games, from the whole team ! Thank you for your trust and your support.. We are always at your service.
Travellers’ Choice 2021 for Coco Lodge Majunga
Travellers’ Choice 2021 for Coco Lodge Majunga. As hard as last year was, Coco Lodge Majunga has stood out by continually delighting its gracious guests.
earth day : Restore our Planet
earth day : Restore our Planet or “Restore Our Earth”. A healthy planet is not an option - it is a necessity.
world health day
world health day : For a fairer and healthier world. Health which is the world heritage of humanity. It is our most precious inalienable capital.
5★ for Coco Lodge Majunga on Petit Futé
"Friendly restaurant where it's good to linger, to eat, aperitif and a drink in the evening in a good musical atmosphere, friendly server and owner."
Meet our Chef
Meet our Chef The date of 20 October, it’s an opportunity to celebrate the profession of chef ! Indeed, it's'"International Chefs Day", or World Cooks Day. So we bring you to meet our
Coco Lodge Majunga distinguished by Tripadvisor
Coco Lodge Majunga distinguished by Tripadvisor Coco Lodge Majunga distinguished by Tripadvisor. YES, it's clear, we're well set ! Tripadvisor awarded the Travelers' Choice award to the Hotel ★★★ Restaurant gourmand coconut Lodge Majunga. What is "Travellers' Choice" ? Tripadvisor awards a