Majunga, cosmopolitan city, is a land that lives the culture of all its people. Very safe city, very quiet and full of life at the same time, Majunga offers an exceptional playground for lovers of adventure and discovery..
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DES BILLETS D’AVION MOINS CHERS CHEZ AIR AUSTRAL Face à la montée des préoccupations concernant le coût des billets d'avion, Air Austral dévoile son nouveau dispositif "Urgences Familiales". Cette initiative est conçue pour alléger le fardeau financier des aidants et des

Halloween : Une nuit de magie et de frissons Halloween, celebrated the 31 October, is much more than just a fancy dress party. It’s an event steeped in history, myths and rituals that arouse fascination and curiosity. Its name is derived from

Well done and congratulations, Arnaud ! We are delighted to congratulate Arnaud for his excellent work ! He won the title of best collaborator of the month of September 2024. Well done and congratulations, Arnaud ! Collaborator of the month : Arnaud, our baker and

Plus de vols vers Madagascar pour relancer le tourisme Pour dynamiser le secteur touristique à Madagascar, a strategic meeting was held on 30 September 2024. This while bringing together the Ministers of Transport and Tourism, as well as key players

Air France et Emirates Synchronisent leurs vols long-courriers avec Madagascar Airlines Air France et Emirates ont lancé une nouvelle initiative : synchronize their long-haul flights with those of Madagascar Airlines. These collaborations will facilitate connections and allow passengers to access more

Aerial : des turbulences dans le ciel de Mayotte Le collectif des citoyens de Mayotte met la pression sur la compagnie Aérienne Air Austral à cause des prix des billets d'avion. Fly-Li and ASL plan to strengthen their regional presence.

EMIRATES : NOUVELLE PORTE ENTRE MADAGASCAR ET LE MONDE A TRAVERS LE HUB DE DUBAÏ Le vol inaugural de la compagnie Emirates Airlines est attendu à l'aéroport international d'Ivato à ce jour, Tuesday 3 September 2024 at 3:35 p.m.. The first Dubai flight -

Michael, best employee of the month of July 2024 We would like to congratulate Michaël for his excellent work. He was elected best collaborator of the month of July 2024. Well done and congratulations again from the whole team Michaël ! Who is Michael?