Green Climate #MEDD #Environnement #Climat #Madagascar #ChangementClimatique #DéveloppementDurable #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille Fund
Green Climate Fund Madagascar prepares the launch of the national accreditation process for the Green Climate Fund (FVC). The latter represents the largest global climate fund with a total portfolio of 19 billion USD in 2020. For the environment
Climate change is affecting our protected areas #ClimateChange #WWF #Environnement #Nature #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Climate change affects our protected areas It's a global reality. Unfortunately, climate change is affecting our protected areas. Natural risks from climate change (Drought, Winds, decrease in the amount of rain) threaten the flora and fauna that
China prioritizes environmental conservation #ActuEnvironnement #EcologieNature #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
China prioritizes environmental conservation Known as the number one polluter on the planet and the number one emitter of greenhouse gases, China has just presented an ecological protection plan for the next fifteen years. The objective
Our oceans : our future ! #SaveOursoceans#WorldOceanDay #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Our oceans : our future ! So far, the 08 June, we celebrate Oceans Day. This day aims to remind us of the role of the oceans as a source of life around the world. Our oceans : our future ! Our
Saving nature to save ourselves #Coronavirus #Covid19 #ClimateChange #MyMadagascar#MahajangaMaVille
Save nature to save ourselves Save nature to save ourselves from climate change and coronavirus Faced with this global health crisis and climate change, we have to save nature to save ourselves. A good respite
Environment : Positive effects of coronavirus #Covid-19 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Environment : Positive effects of the coronavirus Environment : Positive effects of the coronavirus As the coronavirus continues to spread around the world, many countries have taken the decision to confine their populations. China was one of the first to
« Time for action » COP25 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
« Time for action » COP25 « Time for action » COP25, climate conference in Madrid. The 02 to the 13 December 2019, the 25th United Nations Climate Change Conference COP25 took place under the presidency of the Government of Chile