Majunga, cosmopolitan city, is a land that lives the culture of all its people. Very safe city, very quiet and full of life at the same time, Majunga offers an exceptional playground for lovers of adventure and discovery..
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SOLIDARITY AND RESILIENCE : MAYOTTE SE RELEVE APRES LE CYCLONE CHIDO Le cyclone Chido a dévasté Mayotte. But thanks to local solidarity and external support, the island is recovering with strength and determination, illustrating a model of resilience in the face of

Ecological coal, une solution innovante contre la déforestation Face à la déforestation croissante, ecological coal emerges as a sustainable solution, combining forest preservation and waste recovery. Alternative durable au charbon de bois À Madagascar, near 80 % homes

Traffic finally resumed on the RN4 this Friday 27 Janvier Les impacts du passage de la tempête Cheneso ont causé d’importants dégâts ainsi que l’isolement de certaines localités. Traffic finally resumed on the RN4 this Friday 27 Janvier La

Madagascar : bilan et perspective concernant Cheneso Après un long et lent périple sur Madagascar, Cheneso found the sea. The system should take advantage of this to strengthen again above the warm waters of the Mozambique Channel. Madagascar : assessment and outlook

Solidarité et pensée pour les habitants d’Antalaha METEOROLOGIE : Cheneso scheduled to make landfall in northern Antalaha between 7am and 10am this Thursday morning. The danger is imminent for the Sava region. The strong tropical storm Cheneso with its 100km/h of