Madagascar Airlines : New ATR in progress and reactivation of another aircraft
Madagascar Airlines : Nouvel ATR en cours et réactivation d'un autre avion Madagascar Airlines poursuit son expansion et sa modernisation avec l'arrivée imminente d'un nouvel ATR. It is accompanied by the reactivation of another aircraft under repair. This thereby reinforcing
New air link between Israel and Madagascar
Nouvelle liaison aérienne entre Israël et Madagascar À compter de ce 04 December 2024, Madagascar will benefit from a new air service provided by the Israeli company Arkia. This development promises to boost the tourism sector and strengthen links between
Ecological coal, an innovative solution against deforestation
Ecological coal, une solution innovante contre la déforestation Face à la déforestation croissante, ecological coal emerges as a sustainable solution, combining forest preservation and waste recovery. Alternative durable au charbon de bois À Madagascar, near 80 % homes
Restoration of the domestic network of Madagascar Airlines
Rétablissement du réseau intérieur de Madagascar Airlines Après plusieurs jours de perturbations sur son réseau intérieur, Madagascar Airlines announces the complete resumption of its services. Thanks to rapid and effective measures, the company was able to gradually restore its operations. That
RESTAURANT GOURMAND Coco Lodge Majunga Coco Lodge Majunga est à la fois un Hôtel★★★, a Gourmet Restaurant (delivery service for the entire restaurant menu throughout Majunga and the surrounding region), a Pool Bar with cocktails, one
Ethiopian Airlines strengthens its flights between Madagascar and Addis Ababa in November 2024
Ethiopian Airlines strengthens its flights between Madagascar and Addis Ababa in November 2024 This month of November 2024, Ethiopian Airlines increases its flights between Nosy Be and Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. By offering more possibilities to travelers
Madagascar Airlines : 02 new ATR-72s by the end 2024
Madagascar Airlines : 02 new ATR-72s by the end 2024 As Madagascar Airlines strives to revitalize its airline activity, the arrival of the two new ATR-72s will mark a decisive step in optimizing its fleet and improving the passenger experience. Expected delivery before
Corsair opens a new agency in Combani : A step towards greater proximity
CORSAIR OPENS A NEW AGENCY IN COMBANI : UN PAS VERS PLUS DE PROXIMITE Ce mardi dernier 22 October 2024, Corsair has opened a new agency in Combani to better serve its Mahorese customers and strengthen its presence on the island. Then
Air Austral : Hugues Marchessaux at the helm for an ambitious renewal !
AIR AUSTRAL : HUGUES MARCHESSAUX AT THE helm FOR AN AMBITIOUS RENEWAL ! The 18 October 2024, Air Austral has turned a decisive page with the appointment of Hugues Marchessaux. He was appointed as Chairman of the Management Board. This
Madagascar Airlines : a new international lease of life with Travelport !
Madagascar Airlines : a new international lease of life with Travelport ! In the current era, air competition is increasingly fierce, and Madagascar Airlines stands out with a bold initiative. By partnering with Travelport, the Malagasy airline aims to
More flights to Madagascar to revive tourism
Plus de vols vers Madagascar pour relancer le tourisme Pour dynamiser le secteur touristique à Madagascar, a strategic meeting was held on 30 September 2024. This while bringing together the Ministers of Transport and Tourism, as well as key players