Pineapple : Tropical fruit with multiple virtues
Pineapple : Tropical fruit with multiple virtues to taste fresh at Coco Lodge Majunga (natural juices, cocktails, breakfast, dessert,
The true taste of lychee from Madagascar
The true taste of Madagascar lychee Discover the true taste of Madagascar lychee. The country is one of the largest producers of lychees in the southern hemisphere. It is this delicious little fruit with white and very soft flesh. Refreshing
Fruit at breakfast#Fruits #BIO #Naturel #Restaurant #Majunga #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
fruit for breakfast fruit for breakfast : very good for health The benefits of fruits are not negligible, especially to start the day. Many people have a bad habit of not breakfast, for lack of time.
The curious fruits of Madagascar #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille #MangerBio
THE CURIOUS FRUITS OF MADAGASCAR Discover the curious fruits of Madagascar Madagascar has a great plant and floral diversity with an endemicity rate of about 80%. It is therefore not surprising that you can find a very wide variety of fruits there.. By the way,