Responsible Traveller's Guide #TourismeDurable #DéveloppementDurable #Madagascar #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Responsible traveler's guide Responsible traveler's guide - Against the sexual exploitation of children As part of the ESCALE project, “Preventing the Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism and Online Abuse” funded by AFD, the NGO ECPAT
Community management : a common benefit #WWF #Nature #Environnement #DéveloppementDurable #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Community management : un bénéfice commun Un bénéfice commun pour la nature et les populations Depuis plus de 20 years, les acteurs de la conservation tels que le WWF font confiance à la gestion communautaire des ressources naturelles. Un bon exemple
Domestic flights resume in September #Coronavirus #Covid19 #Madagascar #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Domestic flights resume in September In his speech this Sunday, 23 August 2020, The President of the Republic of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, announced the resumption of domestic flights in September. Air transport users will finally be able to
Deconfinement expected in Madagascar #Coronavirus #Covid19 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Deconfinement expected in Madagascar The last days, the phase of decline is confirmed and continues. And deconfinement is expected in Madagascar, by the majority of the population. President Andry Rajoelina will hold an allowance tomorrow Sunday 23 August
Green Climate #MEDD #Environnement #Climat #Madagascar #ChangementClimatique #DéveloppementDurable #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille Fund
Green Climate Fund Madagascar prepares the launch of the national accreditation process for the Green Climate Fund (FVC). The latter represents the largest global climate fund with a total portfolio of 19 billion USD in 2020. For the environment
World Humanitarian Day #RealLifeHeroes #Coronavirus #Covid19 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
World Humanitarian Day Each 19 August of the year, international community dedicates World Humanitarian Day to honor humanitarian workers who sacrifice their lives helping communities in distress. It is also at the
Youth and the environment #31DaysOfYouth #Environnement #Biodiversité #Nature #Jeunesse #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Youth and the environment Youth is the future of mankind It's an absolute reality. Youth and the environment are the future of humanity. If, like every year, we celebrated this 12 August World Youth Day, is to recognize that the
Black tide in Mauritius #OcéanIndien #Ecologie #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Oil spill in Mauritius A Japanese bulk carrier, MV Wakashio, struck a reef southeast of the Indian Ocean state on 25 last July. It is estimated that a thousand tonnes of oil have spilled into the sea since a
Climate change is affecting our protected areas #ClimateChange #WWF #Environnement #Nature #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Climate change affects our protected areas It's a global reality. Unfortunately, climate change is affecting our protected areas. Natural risks from climate change (Drought, Winds, decrease in the amount of rain) threaten the flora and fauna that
Travel and biodiversity in #Madagascar #Voyage #Biodiversité #VoyagerDemain #Tourisme #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille comics
Contest : Travel and biodiversity in comics Competition for those who wish to progress in the field of comics in Madagascar A contest, whose theme is "Travel and biodiversity in comics", will take place in Madagascar. It's a
The King of birds#Conte #Angano #Malagasy #Oiseaux #Madagascar #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Conte : the king of birds Considered the king of birds, the Madagascan Drongo or "Dicrurus forked", called "Railovy" in Malagasy, is a species of elder of the Dicruridae family. Several Malagasy tales give slightly different versions of
IMF : Funding for coronavirus control #Covid19 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
IMF : Financing the fight against coronavirus IMF : Funding for coronavirus control. International donors, including the IMF (International Monetary Fund), continue to provide financial support to Madagascar in the fight against coronavirus. He has