News : freedom convoy – Vaccination pass protest
News : freedom convoy - Protestation contre le pass vaccinal Depuis fin janvier 2022, un convoi de plusieurs camions, autoproclamé "Freedom Convoy" (convoi de la liberté) a défilé à Ottawa pour protester contre les mesures sanitaires mises en place par le
WHO : booster doses will not end the pandemic
Covid-19 : WHO says booster doses won't end pandemic The Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) warned Wednesday the 22 December 2021, that vaccination booster campaigns against
UNWTO against general travel restrictions
UNWTO against blanket travel restrictions
Vaccine : more than 300 thousand doses of Janssen arrived in Madagascar
Vaccine : more than 300 thousand doses of Janssen arrived in Madagascar. 287 613 people will have to benefit from the Janssen vaccine, on the 302750 doses received Tuesday 27 July 2021 at Ivato Airport.
Covid-19 : Answers to frequently asked questions
Covid-19 : Answers to frequently asked questions. In this article, we try to give you answers as clear as possible
What do we know about vaccines ?
What do we know about vaccines, especially in Madagascar ? Covishield, utilisé à Madagascar, is not recognized by the European authorities.
Covid-19 : Arrival of vaccines in Madagascar
Covid-19 : Arrival of vaccines in Madagascar (Covishield/AstraZeneca). 250 000 doses will be deployed to vaccinate frontline workers.
Covid-19 in Madagascar : Positivity rate down
Covid-19 in Madagascar : Positivity rate down. A decrease to 10% against 20 to 40%, for several weeks.
Vaccin Johnson & Johnson for Madagascar
Vaccin Johnson & Johnson for Madagascar against covid-19. The Government announces that it has launched the procedures for the order. “This was decided in the government council and the council of ministers”
Covid-19 vaccine : Madagascar will place orders
Covid-19 vaccine : Madagascar will place orders. After a few weeks of observation, the state made the decision.
Covid-19 : Update on the situation and future challenges
Covid-19 : Update on the situation and future challenges, by the World Bank Group. They remain optimistic for real improvement in many countries in 2021
Vaccination against Covid-19
The vaccination campaign against Covid-19 has started across Europe. Madagascar would still be in the observation phase.