Ecological coal, an innovative solution against deforestation
Ecological coal, une solution innovante contre la déforestation Face à la déforestation croissante, ecological coal emerges as a sustainable solution, combining forest preservation and waste recovery. Alternative durable au charbon de bois À Madagascar, near 80 % homes
Youth and the environment #31DaysOfYouth #Environnement #Biodiversité #Nature #Jeunesse #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Youth and the environment Youth is the future of mankind It's an absolute reality. Youth and the environment are the future of humanity. If, like every year, we celebrated this 12 August World Youth Day, is to recognize that the
Protected areas facing Covid-19 #Coronavirus #Environnement #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Protected areas against Covid-19 Protected areas are in distress in the face of Covid-19. The Forum of Professionals in the Management of Land Protected Areas of Madagascar (LAFA) recently published a study on the impacts on protected areas
Madagascar's lemurs are in danger #Lemurs #Lémuriens #IUCN #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Madagascar's lemurs are endangered According to the latest IUCN report, 31% Madagascar's lemur species are now critically endangered. A rate 33 lemur species if we refer to the red list. The
Sustaining mangrove conservation #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille #SosMangroves
SUSTAINING THE CONSERVATION OF MANGROVES Popularize laws to sustain the conservation of mangroves In 2019, Madagascar is committed to sustainable mangrove management. It is under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, and the Ministry of Agriculture, from
Staying at home today so you can travel tomorrow #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille #VoyagerDemain
Stay home today so you can travel tomorrow Covid-19 - Stay home today so you can travel tomorrow UNWTO : Crisis Committee for World Tourism The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) organized the 19 March 2020 a high-level virtual meeting
Conservation of baobab trees in Madagascar #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Conservation of baobabs in Madagascar Congress for the conservation of baobabs, a first in Madagascar ! Conservation of baobabtrees in Madagascar. The 15 to the 17 Last December, a scientific congress on the conservation of baobabs was held in Morondava. The congress was
National mobilization to save Nature #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
A national mobilization to save Nature. "All is not lost for our country, and durable solutions exist". The World Economic Forum in its 14th report on global economic risks of 2019 estimates that half of global risks