Investment potential in tourism in Madagascar
Potentialité d’investissement dans le tourisme à Madagascar Madagascar, with its unique biodiversity and breathtaking landscapes, attracting more and more attention from international investors. Recently, the founder of the Emaar Properties group, Mohamed Alabbar, expressed keen interest in the sector
Collaboration between Algeria and Madagascar
Collaboration entre Algérie et Madagascar Le 21 February 2024 last, President Rajoelina received HE Mr. Filali Ghouini, new ambassador of Algeria to Madagascar. The new Ambassador of the Algerian Democratic Republic, presented his credentials to the President of the
Stop the bushfires
Stop aux feux de brousse Des immenses feux de forêt se sont succédés ces derniers temps à Madagascar. The latter and its national parks are today prey to flames. Stop the bushfires. Stop aux feux de brousse A Madagascar, the
World Clean Up Day
World Clean Up Day Allons-y, broom, aujourd'hui c'est nettoyage. Et pas n'importe lequel, c'est la journée mondiale du nettoyage (World Clean Up Day). World Clean Up Day à Majunga A l’occasion de cette journée mondiale du nettoyage, la Direction Régionale de l’Environnement
Green Climate #MEDD #Environnement #Climat #Madagascar #ChangementClimatique #DéveloppementDurable #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille Fund
Green Climate Fund Madagascar prepares the launch of the national accreditation process for the Green Climate Fund (FVC). The latter represents the largest global climate fund with a total portfolio of 19 billion USD in 2020. For the environment
Sustaining mangrove conservation #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille #SosMangroves
SUSTAINING THE CONSERVATION OF MANGROVES Popularize laws to sustain the conservation of mangroves In 2019, Madagascar is committed to sustainable mangrove management. It is under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, and the Ministry of Agriculture, from
Majunga Entrepreneurs Are Concerned about the development #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Majunga Entrepreneurs are concerned about development Exceptional evening of meetings CEOI dinner-meetings at Coco Lodge Majunga : Majunga Entrepreneurs are concerned about the development of the region. Last night, Friday, 06 March at Coco Lodge Majunga, its
World Wetlands Day #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
World Wetlands Day Celebration of World Wetlands Day in Madagascar and around the world Every year, World Wetlands Day (WWD) is celebrated the 2 February, to commemorate the signing of the Convention on
Environment - National elk around reforestation #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Environment – National momentum around reforestation A major national reforestation campaign Environment – National momentum around reforestation. To achieve the goal of planting sixty million trees, This year, a national mobilization took place. The craze during the reforestation day,
Reforestation campaign in 2020 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Reforestation campaign in 2020 Reforestation campaign in 2020, green Madagascar for the sixtieth anniversary of independence More than 60 000 000 young plants will be planted to green Madagascar. Reforestation campaign in 2020, for the sixtieth anniversary of