Majunga, cosmopolitan city, is a land that lives the culture of all its people. Very safe city, very quiet and full of life at the same time, Majunga offers an exceptional playground for lovers of adventure and discovery..
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Reinforced air links, une opportunité pour le secteur touristique de Madagascar Avec l’expansion continue des liaisons aériennes internationales, Madagascar is at a strategic turning point to strengthen its tourism sector. Cella by attracting a growing number of visitors from around the world. FHORM,

Emirates renforce sa liaison Madagascar-Dubaï avec un 5ème vol hebdomadaire pour la haute saison La compagnie aérienne Emirates annonce l’ajout d’un cinquième vol hebdomadaire entre Madagascar et Dubaï. This while offering more flexibility and comfort for passengers

Rétablissement du réseau intérieur de Madagascar Airlines Après plusieurs jours de perturbations sur son réseau intérieur, Madagascar Airlines announces the complete resumption of its services. Thanks to rapid and effective measures, the company was able to gradually restore its operations. That

DES BILLETS D’AVION MOINS CHERS CHEZ AIR AUSTRAL Face à la montée des préoccupations concernant le coût des billets d'avion, Air Austral unveils its new system "Family Emergencies". Cette initiative est conçue pour alléger le fardeau financier des aidants et des

Madagascar Airlines : 02 new ATR-72s by the end 2024 As Madagascar Airlines strives to revitalize its airline activity, the arrival of the two new ATR-72s will mark a decisive step in optimizing its fleet and improving the passenger experience. Expected delivery before

AIR AUSTRAL : HUGUES MARCHESSAUX AT THE helm FOR AN AMBITIOUS RENEWAL ! The 18 October 2024, Air Austral has turned a decisive page with the appointment of Hugues Marchessaux. He was appointed as Chairman of the Management Board. This

Plus de vols vers Madagascar pour relancer le tourisme Pour dynamiser le secteur touristique à Madagascar, a strategic meeting was held on 30 September 2024. This while bringing together the Ministers of Transport and Tourism, as well as key players

Air France et Emirates Synchronisent leurs vols long-courriers avec Madagascar Airlines Air France et Emirates ont lancé une nouvelle initiative : synchronize their long-haul flights with those of Madagascar Airlines. These collaborations will facilitate connections and allow passengers to access more

Air France and Madagascar Airlines : Accord pour une meilleure connectivité Le 19 September 2024, Air France and Madagascar Airlines have signed a commercial cooperation agreement, aimed at strengthening air connectivity and providing passengers with travel options

Aerial : des turbulences dans le ciel de Mayotte Le collectif des citoyens de Mayotte met la pression sur la compagnie Aérienne Air Austral à cause des prix des billets d'avion. Fly-Li and ASL plan to strengthen their regional presence.

SIX COMPAGNIES AERIENNES DE DROIT MALAGASY AUTORISEES A OPERER DES VOLS COMMERCIAUX L’Aviation Civile de Madagascar (Acm) revealed the list of air carriers under Malagasy law approved to carry out commercial flights. Les six compagnies aériennes de droits malagasy Auparavant, only Air