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Environnement Tag

Green Climate Fund Madagascar prepares the launch of the national accreditation process for the Green Climate Fund (FVC). The latter represents the largest global climate fund with a total portfolio of 19 billion USD in 2020. For the environment

Youth and the environment Youth is the future of mankind It's an absolute reality. Youth and the environment are the future of humanity. If, like every year, we celebrated this 12 August World Youth Day, is to recognize that the

Oil spill in Mauritius A Japanese bulk carrier, MV Wakashio, struck a reef southeast of the Indian Ocean state on 25 last July. It is estimated that a thousand tonnes of oil have spilled into the sea since a

Climate change affects our protected areas It's a global reality. Unfortunately, climate change is affecting our protected areas. Natural risks from climate change (Drought, Winds, decrease in the amount of rain) threaten the flora and fauna that

Protected areas against Covid-19 Protected areas are in distress in the face of Covid-19. The Forum of Professionals in the Management of Land Protected Areas of Madagascar (LAFA) recently published a study on the impacts on protected areas

Discovery of a new species of lemur Good news, a group of scientists announces the discovery of a new species of lemur in Madagascar : « Microcebus jonahi ». A hope after the release of the alarming update of the IUCN red list on

Conservation of the mangrove ecosystem the 26 July, Today is the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem.. UNESCO has placed this proposal on the agenda of the 197th meeting of its Executive Committee, and this is the date of 26

Madagascar's lemurs are endangered According to the latest IUCN report, 31% Madagascar's lemur species are now critically endangered. A rate 33 lemur species if we refer to the red list. The

China prioritizes environmental conservation Known as the number one polluter on the planet and the number one emitter of greenhouse gases, China has just presented an ecological protection plan for the next fifteen years. The objective

Our oceans : our future ! So far, the 08 June, we celebrate Oceans Day. This day aims to remind us of the role of the oceans as a source of life around the world. Our oceans : our future ! Our

This 23 may : Celebrate World Turtle Day " Slowly but surely " Today, This 23 may : we celebrate World Turtle Day. "There's no point in running ; you have to leave at the right time" …. " Slowly but surely