Mangrove ecosystem conservation #WWF #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Conservation of the mangrove ecosystem
The 26 July, it is the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem.
UNESCO #8217 has put this proposal on the #8217 agenda of the 197th meeting of its Executive Committee, and that's the date of the 26 July, which was selected by the assembly in 2015.
This year, despite this coronavirus pandemic, we celebrate this day to encourage the sustainable efforts we are making for our mangroves.
Conservation of the mangrove ecosystem, a remarkable ecosystem
According to WWF, mangrove forests are ecologically remarkable areas for their richness and ability to absorb carbon.
Mangrove is a marine marsh ecosystem that includes a grouping of specific plants mainly woody. They thrive in some low-lying areas of tropical regions or #8217 at the mouth of some rivers.
It's a unique ecosystem, which provides many services to the planet and to humans.
It provides the populations living on these coasts with numerous resources : Forest, Fisheries (for fishing), and therefore food security.
And mangroves are also used to stabilize fragile coastal areas threatened by erosion, to form a natural barrier against tsunamis, to harbour high biodiversity and mitigate the effects of climate change by absorbing carbon.
Keeping Madagascar's mangroves
According to WWF Madagascar, today, A few 236.400 hectares cover the coasts of Madagascar. A surface that represents 2% mangroves around the world.
Our mangroves are home to many species of flora and fauna unique to Madagascar. They produce between 2,5 and 3,9 tons of crabs per square kilometre per year. And they make many compatriots live and make our landscapes unique.
For WWF's Dannick Randriamanantena, "It is ecosystems such as mangroves and coral reefs that make the west coast of Madagascar very productive. For our economy and the well-being of the Malagasy people, we have an interest in preserving these sources of life".
Thanks to WWF for its commitment
Since 2007, WWF has partnered with local communities, civil society organisations and the authorities to keep 50 000 hectares of mangroves in menabe regions, Melaky and Diana through community management initiatives.
Set, they planted more than 19 millions of mangrove mangroves between 2009 and 2020. Beyond surveillance, these local communities are involved in sustainable mangrove management and conservation in many parts of Madagascar. They manage it so that mangroves and the resources that depend on them create lasting value. This is important because mangrove forests are a natural solution to climate change and its effects. They store more carbon than terrestrial forests, filter water and protect coastlines from erosion and cyclone damage.
Make those around you aware !
This year, The International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem is marked by awareness on radio channels and social networks throughout Madagascar.
These initiatives are supported by local associations, regional branches of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Agriculture, Breeding and Fishing.
Initiatives supported by stakeholders in the conservation of mangroves in Madagascar including the WWF and the Hotel ★★★ gourmet restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga.
« I understand that we have to find something to meet our needs, but if we don't do the right thing for nature, it is our children who will suffer because resources will disappear, mangrove conservation is not just for nature, but especially for us » – Justin Kasety, president of the menabe community association "Analamaitso tsy ho gnan'olo".
By #CocoLodgeMajunga
Who are we ?
Coco Lodge Majunga is both :
- one Hôtel★★★,
- one Gourmet restaurant,
- one 4x4 renter chauffeur guide
- one Event organizer (conferences, seminars, workshops, lunches/dinners with themes, wedding, anniversary, boy-girl stag, …).
- one Tour operator which organizes tours on Majunga and its surroundings Discover the Caves of Anjohibe, Ankarafantsika National Park, Sacred Lake, Cirque Rouge and the beaches. Not to mention the Antrema reserve, the lighthouse of Katsepy, Papamena, The Poseidon, Mahavavy Kinkony Complex, Namoroka tsingys, ….
For your next holiday or business trip, the whole team of the Hotel ★★★ Coco Lodge will be delighted to meet your expectations and satisfy your needs.