Meet the mango lemurs
Meet the mango lemurs of North-West Madagascar with Coco Lodge Majunga, your Tour Operator, Hôtel★★★ et Restaurant Gourmand
Lemurs : Madagascar biodiversity icons
Lemurs : Madagascar biodiversity icons Friday 30 last October, we celebrated the world day of lemurs under the theme " lemurs and their habitats : a heritage to be preserved ». A well-deserved celebration for lemurs
Travel and biodiversity in #Madagascar #Voyage #Biodiversité #VoyagerDemain #Tourisme #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille comics
Contest : Travel and biodiversity in comics Competition for those who wish to progress in the field of comics in Madagascar A contest, whose theme is "Travel and biodiversity in comics", will take place in Madagascar. It's a
Discovery of a new species of lemur #Lémurien #Madagascar #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Discovery of a new species of lemur Good news, a group of scientists announces the discovery of a new species of lemur in Madagascar : « Microcebus jonahi ». A hope after the release of the alarming update of the IUCN red list on
Madagascar's lemurs are in danger #Lemurs #Lémuriens #IUCN #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Madagascar's lemurs are endangered According to the latest IUCN report, 31% Madagascar's lemur species are now critically endangered. A rate 33 lemur species if we refer to the red list. The
Against the abandonment of #StopalAbandon #SolidaritéAnimal #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille animals
Against the abandonment of animals ! This 27 June 2020, It's the second World Pet Abandonment Day.. World Day Against the Abandonment of Pets was launched to denounce and alert the public authorities, raise awareness
Aye-aye : the rarest of lemurs#Lemurs #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Aye-aye : the rarest of lemurs Aye-aye : the rarest of lemurs. It is not only the largest nocturnal primate in the world, but it is also one of the most unique. It is the only species of the genus Daubentonia, who himself