722 billions of ariary to save JIRAMA
722 milliards d’ariary pour sauver la JIRAMA Une bonne nouvelle, the State plans transfers of 722 billion ariary for Jirama for this year. Hoping with all my heart that this will put an end to the load shedding which persists in the country. 722 billion ariary
Un : Hunger is growing#Coronavirus #Covid19 #HungerPandemic #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Un : Hunger increases According to the United Nations report, as hunger rises and malnutrition persists, Achieving the goal "Zero hunger" from here to 2030 is compromised. Un : Hunger is on the rise ! By guaranteeing a
Our oceans : our future ! #SaveOursoceans#WorldOceanDay #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Our oceans : our future ! So far, the 08 June, we celebrate Oceans Day. This day aims to remind us of the role of the oceans as a source of life around the world. Our oceans : our future ! Our
First Lady's example #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
EXEMPLARITY OF THE FIRST LADY Exemplary of the First Lady - Mialy Rajoelina bets on women ministers The First Lady highlighted women of all ages. Exemplarity of the First Lady. It is particularly aimed at women