Majunga, cosmopolitan city, is a land that lives the culture of all its people. Very safe city, very quiet and full of life at the same time, Majunga offers an exceptional playground for lovers of adventure and discovery..
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Ethics for tourism : historical approval. The Member States of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) approved last Friday a historical document, the framework Convention of the UNWTO Tourism Ethics. Adopted at the twenty-second session of the General Assembly of the UNWTO,

Madagascar participera à l'IFTM-Top Resa Paris Après 13 years of continuous presence, Madagascar participera à l'IFTM-Top Resa, the international industry fair, tourism and travel being held in Paris door of Versailles of the 26 to the 29 September 2017. [caption

Madagascar : des jeunes Malagasy formés aux métiers du tourisme La Fédération des hôteliers et restaurateurs de Madagascar (FHORM) et l'Association Professionnelle du Tourisme de Maurice (ATP) ont signé un protocole d'accord ce mois d'août 2017, dont l'objectif est de former des jeunes Malagasy aux métiers du tourisme. [caption id="attachment_7185" align="aligncenter" width ="830"]

MADATREK sur France Ô tout l'été Madagascar est à l'honneur tout au long de ce mois d'août et en septembre, on the French channel France O. Thanks to the spread of several brand new episodes of the adventures of the famous family chick. Famille qui

Tourisme intelligent lancé par SOFMIT Group à Madagascar Le Groupe SOFMIT est désormais présent à Madagascar, following an invitation of the former Prime Minister Monja Roindefo. Represented by Jade Zhang, a company specializing in information technology, ce groupe a fait

Tales and legends of Madagascar : Dieu et le cœur noble Totosidy, the last born in a family of seven children, lost her mother at birth. He had never seen his father, death four months before he was brought into the world. One

Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Développement Rapport 2017 UNCTAD : Vers le développement du tourisme intra-africain En Afrique, four out of ten international tourists are Africans. Et ce sont deux touristes sur trois qui sont originaires

Madagascar : a new University Masters in Ecotourism set up The University of Toliara in collaboration with the ARES CCD of Belgium, have set up a Master University Inter in ecotourism and organic management in Madagascar. After signing the

Mahajanga – Effervescence before the national holiday The town of Mahajanga is in full preparation for the celebration of Independence Day. Various trade events, including the fashion and clothing clearance sales on the town square in front