Mahajanga - Effervescence before the national party #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Mahajanga - Effervescence before the national party
The city of Mahajanga is busy preparing for the celebration of the feast of independence. Various trade events, including the braderie fashion and clothing on the town square in front of the sacred wood, promotional sales of second-hand Tsaramandroso platform and Mahabibo, and the military fair in the square Magdalena to Ampasika mark this event.
Mahajanga – Effervescence before the national holiday by Hôtel★★★ Gourmet restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga
Malagasy President Emmanuel MACRON on the occasion of the national day message
On the occasion of the celebration of the Malagasy national day, the french president Emmanuel Macron has sent a message to his Malagasy counterpart. A message that was aired on the web site of the Embassy of France in Madagascar and we relay below :
Mr President,
On the occasion of the national day of the Republic of Madagascar, I am pleased to send you, to yourself as well as to the people of Madagascar, my most sincere congratulations.
I rejoice relations, dense and warm, between France and Madagascar. This friendship between our two countries and our two peoples is long-standing and solid. The France, through his actions of cooperation including, will always be at the side of Madagascar. Our proximity allows us to work on the development of the countries of the Indian ocean and to meet regional challenges together, as maritime safety.
The France, very attached to the promotion of the Francophonie, welcome the progress of the Summit of Tananarive, as well as the Malagasy Presidency of la Francophonie since November 2016
I'd be happy to meet you in Paris, When we met the 28 next June, and these different topics with you.
You renewing my sincere congratulations, I beg you to accept, Mr President, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Emmanuel MACRON.
A bit of history...
The 26 June 1960, great festivities mark the final emancipation of the big island ; they are particularly marked in the capital, Antananarivo. The official proclamation of independence is made in the Mahamasina stadium where are assembled thousands of spectators. Newspapers estimate the number of participants to more of 100 000. Others attend the ceremony since the heights of the city : men and women are involved, umbrellas deployed (they are part of the panoply of the elegant at the time) and many chose to wear that day that the lamba, a traditional stole marking the affirmation of national identity. Artists, people gather near the Palace in the Rova, official residence of the sovereign and symbolic place of the Malagasy nationalism. "A moment of absolute silence following president Tsiranana's speech" before a round of applause to all break, remembers a Madagascar Radio reporter covering the event.
As for the official celebration of independence, It takes place between the 29 and the 31 July 1960. It was designed to be both a political statement aimed at staging the young State authorities, but also to be festive and integrative. Speech, popular dances, children's Party, banquets, song and dance contest, sports competitions, etc., punctuate three days of jubilation. Popular festivities and spirit of national communion seems to weld the Malagasy population beyond its yet proven political divisions.
By Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga
Poor country run down and completely adrift…
Since 1960 Madagascar declines…
Celebrate this decay won't find at
Madagascar shine which was under French tutelage…
Poor country run down and completely adrift…
Since 1960 Madagascar declines…
Celebrate this decay won't find at
Madagascar shine which was under French tutelage…
Poor country run down and completely adrift…
Since 1960 Madagascar declines…
Celebrate this decay won't find at
Madagascar shine which was under French tutelage…
Sad end…
Poor country run down and completely adrift…
Since 1960 Madagascar declines…
Celebrate this decay won't find at
Madagascar shine which was under French tutelage…
Sad end…