Resumption of the maritime link between Comoros and Mahajanga
Reprise de la liaison maritime entre Comores et Mahajanga Après une longue suspension, the 28 August 2024, the Council of Ministers approved the reestablishment of maritime transport linking the Comoros to Mahajanga. Comoros maritime connection - Mahajanga Vu que la région Boeny
Malagasy cinema
Le cinéma Malagasy À Madagascar, film production has been growing for several years. Director Raymond Rajaonarivelo is one of the pioneers of Malagasy cinema. Since entering the world of filmmaking in the 1990s 70-80,
Ewa Air : Mayotte – Majunga flight schedule
Ewa Air : Programme des vols Mayotte – Majunga La compagnie Ewa Air opèrera pour le mois d’Octobre 06 flights per week. In this article, you will have more information on this flight program. Ewa Air : October flight schedule 2023 For
April employee of the month : Congratulations to Thierry, our baker
April employee of the month : Congratulations to Thierry, notre boulanger Félicitations à Thierry, our baker. He won the title of employee of the month for April ! Well done you deserve it ! April employee of the month : Congratulations to Thierry, notre boulanger Notre boulanger
A big BRAVO to his 3 chefs Malagasy
A big BRAVO to his 3 chefs Malagasy Merci aux 3 chefs Malagasy, Chefs Lalaina RAVELOMANANA, Fenosoa RAHAJAMALALA and Bodo RAKOTOVAO for having carried the colors of the Big Island high thanks to their culinary expertise. Always sent. The 17 to the 19 January
02 April : World Autism Awareness Day #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille #Agir.Living.Autism
02 April : World Autism Awareness Day 02 April : World Autism Awareness Day Today, the 02 April 2020 World Autism Awareness Day. It aims to better inform the general public about the
National Tourism Development S.A boosts the sector with various supports # NationalTourismDevelopmentS.A
Tourist event : NTD S.A boosts the sector with various supports and is fully committed to sustainable tourism in Madagascar Many Actions can be taken to promote sustainable tourism. NTD S.A. concretizes this strategy through its participation in tourist events
Wave Madagascar, a first edition promising #WaveMadagascar
As part of the promotion of the tourism sector, the first edition of Wave Madagascar, International Forum for Investments in Tourism and Transport Malagasy, was launched. To achieve the goals set and make them a real lever for development, l’Etat se
Navigate to Mahajanga on the schooner Nofy Be #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Naviguer vers Mahajanga à bord de la goélette Nofy Be L’Agence « Détours Madagascar » organise une croisière migratoire partant de Morondava pour la destination Majunga, on board a magnificent schooner. The departure will be provided the 5 May 2019, for 10
Output of the occasional Memento Special Madagascar
Sortie du Hors série Mémento Spécial Madagascar A lire absolument sans oublier les pages 50 & 51 sur l’Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand #CocoLodgeMajunga Le hors-série du magazine Mémento « Spécial Madagascar », released a few days ago, ambitionne de détailler le climat
Whaling ecotourism develops to Mahajanga/Boeny #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
L'écotourisme baleinier se développe à Mahajanga/Boeny Dans le cadre du projet « Valorisation de la migration des baleines à bosse le long des côtes malgaches pendant l’hiver austral », funded by the European Union and the IOC, l’association Cétamada a mis en
Move all together for our friends the lemurs #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Move all together for our friends the lemurs. I like to move it move it ! C’est sur cet air de musique chanté par Julien le lémurien dans le fameux film d’animation « Madagascar » que la Journée Mondiale des Lémuriens