Majunga, cosmopolitan city, is a land that lives the culture of all its people. Very safe city, very quiet and full of life at the same time, Majunga offers an exceptional playground for lovers of adventure and discovery..
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Majunga City Centre

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GO TO MAJUNGA The group of tourist operators of Majunga is revitalized. Aware of the need to work together to defend their common interests, Majunga tourism operators have decided to revitalise the Majunga Tourism Operators Group (GO TO MAJUNGA). The

MAJUNGA THE CITY OF FLOWERS City between tradition and modernity Majunga, also known as Mahajanga, is known as the city of flowers. City port and the capital of the Northwest region of Madagascar, It offers a natural and cultural landscape grandiose. Situated at

First Forum economic of Mayotte organized by the Agency for development and Innovation of Mayotte - ADIM- This international Forum took place over two days Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 November in Mamoudzou, with entrepreneurs in Mayotte, mais aussi des autres îles

Madagascar peut miser sur un formidable tourisme culturel Après la première édition organisée il y a deux ans, the second international Congress on world civilizations and historical routes (15-16 November 2018) concluded in Sofia (Bulgaria). Dans le

En septembre WWF a vraiment mis la main à la pâte Septembre a été le mois des innovations au service de la conservation et du développement durable à Madagascar Des Cyber Trackers pour éloigner les défricheurs de forêts. [caption id="attachment_7745" align="aligncenter" width ="830"] In September

The beaches are one of the strong points of Mahajanga, first popular beach of Madagascar. Mahajanga is the first holiday destination of the Malagasy. Probably because of its proximity to Antananarivo, of the national road 4 who is in

Le Parc National d’Ankarafantsika dans le Nord-Ouest de Madagascar Le Parc National d’Ankarafantsika, in the Northwest of Madagascar, is a mosaic of dense, dry forests. Ankarafantsika is known for its lakes, last refuges of flagship species. Il est aussi un repaire

Come celebrate the feast of love this Wednesday 14 February to Coco Lodge Majunga. Que l'on soit seule ou en couple, for or against the celebration of love, We always ask this question : « Que vais-je bien

Results 2017 international tourism. According to the WTO (The World Tourism Organization), international tourist arrivals jumped 7% for a total of 1,322 billion. This momentum is expected to continue in 2018, at a rate of 4% to