Countries which spend the most in tourism in 2017 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Countries which spend the most in tourism in 2017
CHINA EURO 258 billion +5%
EURO UNITED STATES 135 billion +9%
GERMANY EURO 84 billion +3%
UNITED KINGDOM EURO 63 billion +3%
FRANCE EURO 41 billion +1%
Evolution of international arrivals in major destinations.
Countries which spend the most in tourism in 2017 by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga
Remember that Madagascar was the guest of honor at the Grand Pavois in La Rochelle boat show, that is a must-see for all lovers and professionals in the marine industry in the world. More than 35 countries participate.
Virtually all the markets have reported a rise in tourism in spending 2017, reflecting the continued strong demand of international tourism in all regions of the world. Both emerging economies that advanced economies fuelled the growth, the United States has spent 12 billions of dollars more to travel abroad. China has increased such expenses of 8 $EU billion, thus consolidating his position as first spender in the world. Expenditure of the Federation of Russia have increased by 7 $EU billion and those of the Brazil of 5 billion, both countries bouncing after a decline in their spending previous years. The strong tourist spending reflects advances in connectivity, the simplification of procedures of issuing visas and a recovery of the global economy.
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) international travel is estimated at around 1,2 billion in 2015, either 25 % more than in 2010. Over a longer period, the growth is exponential.
The 25 main outbound markets reported higher in international tourism spending 2017, as the last UNWTO World Tourism Barometer. En 2017, China has kept his post of first spender on trips abroad with 258 $EU billion (+5% in local currency).
The other three economies of the BRIC group have all substantially increased their spending to 2017. The Federation of Russia (+13%) has bounced back after a few years of decline, to achieve 31 $EU billion, climbing three places to reintegrate the Group of the ten first in the 8th rank. The Brazil (+20%) also strongly rebounded, winning eight places to rise to the 16th rank with 19 spending $EU billion. The India continued its ascent with a growth of 9% expenses to 18 $EU billion, advancing this way of 4 places to occupy the 17th rank.
« Emerging economies play a key role in the development of tourism and we are very happy to see the rebound in the Russia Federation and the Brazil, as well as the rise of the India, "because these markets key emerging contribute to the growth and diversification of markets in many destinations" said the Secretary general of the UNWTO, Zurab Pololikashvili.
Advanced economies also posted strong performance in 2017, with in mind the United States (+9%), second global outbound market. US travellers spent 12 billion $EU in addition to the title of international tourism, either 135 $ billion. Expenditures for the Germany (3th market) and the United Kingdom (4th) increased 3%, and those of the France (5th) from 1%.
En 2016, some 58 million tourists traveled to Africa, either 8 % more than in 2015. The World Tourism Organization, who has published its annual report Tuesday 16 August, explains this increase by the strengthening of security on the continent.