Majunga, cosmopolitan city, is a land that lives the culture of all its people. Very safe city, very quiet and full of life at the same time, Majunga offers an exceptional playground for lovers of adventure and discovery..
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Majunga hides an unknown heritage Few know these stories, Majunga hides a little-known heritage. In the pretty city of Flowers, Majunga, holidays smell good sun, sea and skewers. Majunga remains one of the most popular cities for vacationers.

Illegal activities in Protected Areas Illegal activities in Protected Areas : MEDD draws attention to sustainable economic alternatives. Making the Menabe Antimena Protected Area a model in terms of conservation, a challenge signed by the Ministry of the Environment and

Third airline in Madagascar Third airline in Madagascar : GS Airlines GS Airlines becomes the third airline in Madagascar to operate regular flights on the Malagasy domestic network. Another malagasy airline after Tsaradia, Air subsidiary

First Forum economic of Mayotte organized by the Agency for development and Innovation of Mayotte - ADIM- This international Forum took place over two days Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 November in Mamoudzou, with entrepreneurs in Mayotte, mais aussi des autres îles

Le Parc National d’Ankarafantsika dans le Nord-Ouest de Madagascar Le Parc National d’Ankarafantsika, in the Northwest of Madagascar, is a mosaic of dense, dry forests. Ankarafantsika is known for its lakes, last refuges of flagship species. Il est aussi un repaire

L’OMT confiante pour le tourisme à Madagascar Le Secrétaire général de l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme (UNWTO), Taleb Rifai, went to Madagascar to testify to the full support of the Organization in the tourism sector. Suite à l’épidémie de peste ayant entraîné la

Réussir un road trip à Madagascar et à Mahajanga Pour passer un séjour inoubliable en famille ou entre amis, just to fly out of the blue on one of the largest islands in the Indian ocean, Madagascar. Cette escapade contribue à la découverte

World Day for the eradication of poverty. World Day for the eradication of poverty is celebrated each 17 October. [caption id="attachment_7294" align="aligncenter" width ="830"] World day for the refusal of misery by Hotel ★★★ Gourmet restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga.[/caption] The 17 October 1987, at the call of the Father

Growing tourism According to the Economic Development Board of Madagascar (EDBM), body in charge of promoting investment in the big island, Tourism is part of the three sectors booming, past two years. [caption id="attachment_7269" align="aligncenter" width ="830"]

The Canadian market opens in Madagascar thanks to the ONTM. [caption id="attachment_7251" align="aligncenter" width ="830"] Le marché canadien s'ouvre à Madagascar grâce à l'ONTM by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga.[/caption] The Chamber of commerce and cooperation Canada-Madagascar, more commonly referred to as CanCham, is

For Majunga road, the new bridge of the Kamoro operational. . The Chairman Hery Rajaonarimampianina came on the scene, with members of the Government, for the opening ceremony. The new bridge of Kamoro, built in two years, is

Contest to travellers to promote sustainable tourism. [caption id="attachment_7237" align="aligncenter" width ="830"] Concours vers les voyageurs pour promouvoir le tourisme durable by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga.[/caption] Concours vers les voyageurs pour promouvoir le tourisme durable lancé par l'OMT. En prévision