Majunga, cosmopolitan city, is a land that lives the culture of all its people. Very safe city, very quiet and full of life at the same time, Majunga offers an exceptional playground for lovers of adventure and discovery..
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Madagascar : for the promotion of tourism internal. The Ministry of tourism of Madagascar, in collaboration with the regional Offices of tourism, is about to launch a major campaign to promote domestic tourism. The main objective being to make nationals discover

Ethics for tourism : historical approval. The Member States of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) approved last Friday a historical document, the framework Convention of the UNWTO Tourism Ethics. Adopted at the twenty-second session of the General Assembly of the UNWTO,

Madagascar participera à l'IFTM-Top Resa Paris Après 13 years of continuous presence, Madagascar participera à l'IFTM-Top Resa, the international industry fair, tourism and travel being held in Paris door of Versailles of the 26 to the 29 September 2017. [caption

5 September international day of charity. A travers le Programme de développement durable à l'horizon 2030, adopted in September 2015, les Nations Unies reconnaissent l'éradication de la pauvreté sous toutes ses formes comme le défi le plus important et un prérequis indispensable

Tourisme intelligent lancé par SOFMIT Group à Madagascar Le Groupe SOFMIT est désormais présent à Madagascar, following an invitation of the former Prime Minister Monja Roindefo. Represented by Jade Zhang, a company specializing in information technology, ce groupe a fait

Madagascar : a new University Masters in Ecotourism set up The University of Toliara in collaboration with the ARES CCD of Belgium, have set up a Master University Inter in ecotourism and organic management in Madagascar. After signing the

Mahajanga – Effervescence before the national holiday The town of Mahajanga is in full preparation for the celebration of Independence Day. Various trade events, including the fashion and clothing clearance sales on the town square in front

Engagements de Madagascar à la gestion durable des ressources marines à la Conférence Mondiale sur les Océans Madagascar a participé tout récemment à la Conférence Mondiale sur les Océans organisée par le Système des Nations Unies à New York. Le pays

"Mad to Miss Madagascar" Malagasy gastronomy in the spotlight in London Very little known in Great Britain, Malagasy gastronomy will be in the spotlight during a unique event organized by a Malagasy family based in London, the 17 June 2017. "Mad to