Majunga, best tourist destination in Madagascar
Majunga, meilleure destination touristique de Madagascar Madagascar compte de nombreuses destinations qui valent le détour, and Majunga is one of the most beautiful, if not the most sublime of all. Indeed, it is the destination to think about for
Coco Lodge Tour Operator : Discover our exceptional tours
Coco Lodge Tour Operator : Découvrez nos circuits d’exception L’Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga est aussi un Tour Opérateur (Licenses B and C). We organize circuits on Majunga and its surroundings. Discover our exceptional tours. [video width="1920" height ="1080" mp4="HTTPS://"][/video] Coco Lodge Tour
Discover this magnificent region of Boeny with Coco Lodge Tour Operator
Découvrez cette magnifique région qu’est le Boeny avec Coco Lodge Tour Opérateur L’Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga est aussi un Tour Opérateur (Licenses B and C). We organize circuits on Majunga and its surroundings. Discover the magnificent region that is
Coco Lodge Majunga : Transfers throughout Madagascar
Coco Lodge Majunga : Transfers throughout Madagascar The Hotel ★★★ Gourmet Restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga is also a Tour Operator (Licenses B and C). We organize circuits on Majunga and its surroundings. We also offer a transfer service throughout
Ankarafantsika : “Congratulations to our heroes ! »
Ankarafantsika : “Congratulations to our heroes ! ». After 05 days of struggle, they managed to control the flames, despite difficulties.
Confident UNWTO for tourism in Madagascar #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
L’OMT confiante pour le tourisme à Madagascar Le Secrétaire général de l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme (UNWTO), Taleb Rifai, went to Madagascar to testify to the full support of the Organization in the tourism sector. Suite à l’épidémie de peste ayant entraîné la