Tourism booming #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Tourism booming
Of after the Economic Development Board of Madagascar (EDBM), body in charge of promoting investment in the big island, Tourism is part of the three sectors booming, past two years.
Tourism is the sector that has experienced the 'fastest in the world' economic growth over recent decades. Currently, the strong potential of Madagascar in terms of tourist attraction (beautiful beaches, beautiful landscapes, fauns and flores, cultural and historical wealth, etc.), is of capital importance for the economic recovery of the country. In other words, This sector requires a major promotion and a lot of investment, involvement and commitment, both on the part of the State, private sector, the tour operator of the simple citizen who welcomes.
Continued growth for tourism
In his activity report for the first half of the year 2017, the EDBM makes it clear that apart from the textile sectors, ICT, Tourism also registers a continued growth. This sector has reaped alone 748 millions of dollars of revenue in 2016 with the arrival of 293 000 tourists. The same year, 47% of 17 tourist companies registered with the single desk of the EDBM are held by foreigners. And for the first half 2017, 43% registered tourism businesses are foreign-owned, as always the EDBM.
Several sites identified for the creation of hotels
In the continuity of the actions of promotion of the destination and to enhance the competitiveness of the big island on the global tourism market, the EDBM is currently considering the implementation of some major tourism infrastructure. To do this, sites will be proposed and presented to the hotel investors at road shows which will be conducted in several countries such as Great Britain, the Canada, the Germany or China. It has already identified 5 priority sites, 8 secondary priority sites and 14 additional sites in and around national parks, distributed in the major tourist areas of Madagascar.
The region of Boeny/Mahajanga. MAHAJANGA, the city of flowers... Diversity in the natural...
The Boeny Region is a land of legendary hospitality and one of the most beautiful regions of Madagascar.
Mahajanga, its capital, cosmopolitan and lively city is the ideal starting point to immerse yourself within spaces of countless tourist attractions, diversified and... still too often ignored. To cite only the most famous, the Tsingy of Namoroka, the Bay of Baly, Lake Kinkony and its endemic birds, Katsepy Antrema, the Anjohibe caves, Papamena, Ankarafantsika National Park, Red Circus, the sacred Lake, Small beach, Grand Pavois, … Good to know, l’Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga est aussi un tour opérateur qui organise des excursions sur tous ses lieux magiques.