Illegal activities in Protected Areas #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Illegal activities in Protected Areas
Illegal activities in Protected Areas : MEDD draws attention to sustainable economic alternatives.
Making the Menabe Antimena Protected Area a model in terms of conservation, a challenge signed by the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development or MEDD. A challenge against illegal activities in Protected Areas.
Taken seriously
Scientists report that "the entire central Menabe forest is in danger of disappearing completely before 2050 if the current rate of deforestation continues". An announcement taken seriously by stakeholders working in the field of biodiversity conservation.
In fact, it's, what was advanced during the multi-actor national dialogue on Madagascar's dry forests held in Ankorondrano last Thursday. A national event. Its main objective was to "mobilizing the central state, technical and financial partners, and civil society organizations to commit to taking strategic and political action in support of the regional strategy to reduce pressure on the Menabe Antimena Protected Area (Apma) ». This, given the current situation in the said protected area.
And the threats are more than present.
Clearing and illicit economic activities mean that the effects of climate change are being felt at the regional level. These include the cultivation of maize and peanuts - a real economic sector. Among others, a considerable lack of rain or a significant increase in temperature.
Stakeholder engagement
The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development takes an approach involving stakeholder engagement. As Vahinala Raharinirina reported "It is important that local people find more interest in conservation than in their illicit activities in protected areas".
In other words, people living in protected areas should "understand the benefits of conservation".
Thus, the ministry of guardianship intends to put in place "sustainable economic alternatives" in place of the pressures generated by human activities. The cultivation of maize and peanuts is a real economic sector. Yet, they are illegally grown in protected areas.
Persuading local people
The challenge, then, lies in the ability of the ministry and its partners to persuade local people to turn to other choices. What could only be done by the commitment of all stakeholders to a single "national vision". What the Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development is calling on "everyone to work together to preserve what is left of us as natural resources".
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By #CocoLodgeMajunga