Madagascar : The health situation is improving
Madagascar : The health situation is improving. International borders remain closed. And the authorities will make a decision in 15 days.
61th anniversary of the independence of Madagascar
61th anniversary of the independence of Madagascar : 26 June 1960 – 26 June 2021. Happy Independence Day to all Malagasy !
What do we know about vaccines ?
What do we know about vaccines, especially in Madagascar ? Covishield, utilisé à Madagascar, is not recognized by the European authorities.
Zéna Airlines : will the project materialize ?
Zéna Airlines : will the project materialize ? Etude d'Airbus consulting : “The area would benefit from a new local line”
Coco Lodge Majunga : 10 Services not to be missed
Coco Lodge Majunga : 10 Services not to be missed Choose the best destination and the right provider for your vacation. Located in this magnificent Mahajanga/Boeny region, Coco Lodge Majunga is at your service. Coco Lodge Majunga : 10 Services
Aviadev : Development of air routes
Aviadev Africa : Development of air routes. The Big Island is a top tourist destination. And airports are the gateways.
Push for open borders
Pressure for the opening of international borders by tourist and air operators, in order to save the economy.
Ewa Air : Mahoran pilots
Ewa Air : Mahoran pilots for their planes. They were born in Mayotte, motivated and eager to resume commercial flights.
05 June : world environment day
05 June : world environment day : "Nature's Time". Investing in ecosystems, it's investing in our future
Resumption of domestic flights
Resumption of domestic flights this Friday 04 June. All regions are now reopened, in compliance with sanitary measures.