What do we know about vaccines ?
What do we know about vaccines ?
An effective vaccine is a solution to finally get out of this health crisis once and for all. So far, what do we know about vaccines, especially in Madagascar ?
Coco Lodge Majunga, being a Hotel ★★★, a Gourmet Restaurant, a Tour Operator and an organizer of events and conferences, is very affected by the covid19 crisis and travel restrictions, which arise from it. And we are therefore very interested in vaccines and their effectiveness.
250 000 Covishield/AstraZeneca doses distributed in Madagascar
Antananarivo, 08 May 2021 : Madagascar received a batch of 250 000 dose you vaccine COVID-19, Covishield/AstraZeneca, through the global COVAX initiative. Madagascar thus joins the long list of African countries having benefited from the COVAX initiative which plans to deliver at least two billion doses of vaccine in 2021.
Vaccines not recognized by the EU
What do we know about vaccines ?
Last week, we learn that the Covishield vaccine, used on the Big Island, is not recognized by the European authorities.
That is to say, Malagasy people and people vaccinated with Covishield will not be authorized to enter European territory. without compelling reason.
After this announcement, the Malagasy Minister of Public Health, Professor Jean Louis Rakotovao, questioned the presence of representatives of the European Union during the reception of 250 000 doses à l’aéroport d’Ivato. Le ministre a souligné que lors de l’arrivée de la première dose de vaccin, les représentants résidents du Système des Nations Unies, WHO, celui de l’Union Européenne, ainsi que des représentants du Corps diplomatique et consulaire ont fait le déplacement à l’aéroport d’Ivato pour témoigner de leur soutien à l’initiative. Mais aussi et surtout pour encourager la population Malagasy à se faire vacciner. Le gouvernement Malagasy a alors demandé des explications à l’OMS.
Les évaluations de la EMA (Agence Européenne des Médicaments)
Faced with this situation, la délégation de l’UE a apporté des explications, relayées par Tribune Madagascar. The EMA is an independent body, responsible for the scientific evaluation of pharmaceutical products. Its assessments serve as a basis for the European Commission to grant marketing authorizations in all Member States of the European Union.”, she detailed.
In a press release, the EU delegation clarified that the decision of the European authorities not to recognize Covishield, is based on the recommendations of the EMA. As such, this was done independently of the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO).
COVAX stakeholders, dont l’OMS, also decide, completely independently, vaccines that will be distributed through this mechanism. “In February, l’OMS a préautorisé le vaccin Covishield, ce qui a permis à COVAX de le distribuer dans plusieurs pays du monde. Cela s’est fait par le biais d’une procédure de l’OMS qui a tenu compte de critères stricts de sécurité, d’efficacité et de qualité”, a rappelé la délégation.
Elle a aussi souligné que le Covishield fait partie des 4 vaccines, choisis par Madagascar le 19 avril dernier sur proposition de l’Académie nationale de médecine de Madagascar.
Le Vaccin Johnson&Johnson (Janssen)
L’Ambassade de France a de son côté fait venir le vaccin Johnson&Johnson (Janssen), une seule injection, pour ses ressortissants établis à Madagascar. La vaccination se fait bien sûr à Antananarivo, but also in the provinces for all French and other Europeans in Madagascar, under the responsibility of the French Embassy in Madagascar :
Toliara : 21- 23 June (French college),
Diego : 21-25 June (consular agency),
Majunga : 28 June – 2 July (French college),
Tamatave : 29 June – 2 July (French high school),
Nosy Be : 6 – 8 July (French primary school).
Each eligible and willing person must make an appointment by telephone by answering a short questionnaire. Call from Tuesday 15 June on : 032 50 000 22 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., from Monday to Friday.
Rappel : Only people aged 18 and over are eligible. 55 years and older, of French nationality or nationals of a country of the European Union as well as their foreign spouses (Malagasy or other nationalities), married or in a civil partnership and the foreign parent of a minor French child living in their home.
The age limit of 55 years is linked to the nature of the vaccine proposed, Janssen (European version of Johnson and Johnson), for which the French High Authority of Health recommends administration only to people of 55 years and older.
Thanks to M. the French Ambassador for having responded favorably to the request of French people established in the provinces, collected and transmitted by their elected officials Geneviève Tadjer-Farajallah and Jean-Herve Fraslin, Advisors to French people abroad.
Have the opportunity to be vaccinated
The EU delegation also spoke on the importance of vaccination in the fight against the coronavirus. LThe European Union considers that with a rapidly evolving pandemic, none of us are safe, until we are all vaccinated.
As such, the European Union and its member states, who are among the contributors to the COVAX mechanism, strive to provide fair and equitable access to vaccines for all participating countries.
What do we know about vaccines ?
What is the fate of those who have already been vaccinated with Covishield? ? And can a patient who has already been vaccinated be injected with another vaccine? ?
These are the questions that many are currently asking in Madagascar. But until then, we don't have an answer yet...
The Malagasy Government has sent a request for explanations to the World Health Organization (WHO). “We are waiting for the WHO’s response to this question”, declared the Malagasy Minister of Public Health, Professor Jean Louis.
What do we know about vaccines ? – By #CocoLodgeMajunga
We are both :
- One hôtel★★★ with 18 spacious comfortable rooms,
- One gourmet restaurant with a beautiful wine cellar, whiskies, rums and champagnes with a capacity of 60 Covered, offering Malagasy cuisine, French, Lebanese and seafood specialties,
- Un bar piscine with cocktails, "tsakitsaky", pancakes and waffles available at all hours,
- One organizer of events and conferences with 3 meeting rooms that can accommodate up to 90 people. In addition, we can receive themed lunch/dinner, engagement, wedding, anniversary, … Even a bachelor/bachelorette party, or a marriage proposal, …
- A travel and tourism services company (License C),
- One tour operator (B license),
- A 4×4 rental company and quads (all geo-located with valid liability insurance) and with graduate drivers guide. They can insure your transfers in all Madagascar. For example from Antananarivo airport to Majunga, but also from Nosy Be to Majunga.