Madagascar : A new international airport
Madagascar : Un nouveau aéroport international L'aéroport de Toliara, A basket, has just been certified as an international airport. Indeed, This is very good news for the southern tourism sector which will now be able to welcome international travelers in the future.. Madagascar : A new airport
Madagascar Airlines explains its flight cancellations
Madagascar Airlines s’explique par rapport à ses annulations de vol Le Président du Conseil d'Administration de Madagascar Airlines, Rinah Rakotomanga spoke about the successive flight cancellations encountered at the start of the summer holidays. Indeed, the Company wants to be
Opening of direct flights Majunga – Comores/Kenya/Maurice
Opening of direct flights Majunga - Comores/Kenya/Maurice Le Gouverneur de la région Boeny a rencontré le Manager de Blue Sky le samedi dernier. Indeed, the opening of direct flights between Mahajanga and Comoros, Kenya and Mauritius was debated. Vols directs
Corsair : Billet Tana – Paris – Tana at 699 EUR
Corsair : Billet Tana – Paris - Tana at 699 Euros Une bonne nouvelle à l’approche de la vacance d’été. Corsair, the French airline based in Orly offers a promotional rate of 699 euros for a round trip between Tana
Lower taxes to make tickets cheaper
Baisser les taxes pour rendre les billets moins chers Le poids des taxes pèse lourd dans la structure du prix du billet d’avion alors que l'offre du transport est une question centrale dans la relance du tourisme. Indeed, It is necessary to
Türkiye – Madagascar : Turkish Airlines will increase to two flights per week
Türkiye – Madagascar : Turkish Airlines passera à deux vols par semaine Une bonne nouvelle pour le secteur touristique de Madagascar. Turkish Airlines will operate a second weekly frequency between Antananarivo and Istanbul from 15 June 2023. Türkiye – Madagascar : Turkish Airlines
Madagascar – Nairobi : Kenya Airways resumes its 14 weekly flights
Madagascar - Nairobi : Kenya Airways resumes its 14 vols hebdomadaires Kenya Airways renforce sa desserte entre Madagascar et Nairobi à compter du 1er Juin 2023. She will resume her 14 weekly flights from before. Kenya Airways is strengthening its service to Madagascar with 14 flights
Madagascar Airlines will soon fly to India
Madagascar Airlines s’envolera bientôt vers l'Inde Madagascar Airlines ne cache pas ses ambitions. The company plans to launch the Antananarivo-Bombay line as soon as it acquires its new fleets. Madagascar Airlines s’envolera bientôt vers l'Inde Après avoir obtenu son certificat de transport aérien, the company
Madagascar Airlines takes off
Madagascar Airlines prend son envol Après avoir obtenu son Certificat de transport aérien (CTA) as well as its operating license, Madagascar Airlines takes off towards a new situation. Actually, the company aims for financial dependence within three years. Madagascar Airlines prend son envol Parvenir à
Madagascar Airlines is officially the Malagasy national company
Madagascar Airlines est officiellement la compagnie nationale Malagasy Madagascar Airlines a obtenu hier lundi 17 April 2023 its Air Carrier Certificate as well as its operating license. It officially becomes the Compagnie Nationale Malagasy. Congratulations to Madagascar Airlines, from
Madagascar : Revitalization of Tourism
Madagascar : Redynamisation du Tourisme La redynamisation du tourisme à Madagascar est un enjeu crucial pour l'économie du pays. In this connection, the Minister of Transport and Meteorology met with members of the CTM with the aim of relaunching
Soon : Flights Italy – Mahajanga
Soon : Vols Italie – Mahajanga Madagascar est un pays à vocation aéronautique. Indeed, the Ministry of Transport announced the opening of new lines connecting the big island to other countries. A brand new line that will connect Italy and Mahajanga