Repatriation flight from Mauritius
Repatriation flight from Mauritius The Embassy of Madagascar in Mauritius plans to organize a repatriation flight from Mauritius to Madagascar, for Malagasy nationals stranded there. Christmas gift This repatriation flight is scheduled for 25 December 2021. One
Testimony of a traveler from France who arrived in Madagascar
Testimony of a traveler from France who arrived in Madagascar. He traveled with Air France this Friday 23 July 2021, and he explains the reality to us.
MVE at Coco Lodge Majunga every Tuesday #MieuxVivreEnsembleaMadagascar #ConseillersConsulairesDesFrançaisDeMadagascar #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
MVE at Coco Lodge Majunga every Tuesday To live better together in a serene community, a free reception service, listening, information and advice will be provided by the volunteers of "Better Living Together in Majunga" -MVE- every Tuesday from 5:00 p.m.