Reinforced air links, an opportunity for Madagascar's tourism sector
Reinforced air links, une opportunité pour le secteur touristique de Madagascar Avec l’expansion continue des liaisons aériennes internationales, Madagascar is at a strategic turning point to strengthen its tourism sector. Cella by attracting a growing number of visitors from around the world. FHORM,
Restoration of the domestic network of Madagascar Airlines
Rétablissement du réseau intérieur de Madagascar Airlines Après plusieurs jours de perturbations sur son réseau intérieur, Madagascar Airlines announces the complete resumption of its services. Thanks to rapid and effective measures, the company was able to gradually restore its operations. That
Madagascar Airlines : Immediate measures and promising recovery
Madagascar Airlines : Mesures immédiates et redressement prometteur Face à des défis opérationnels récents, Madagascar Airlines deploys measures to resolve the situation of stranded passengers. This while continuing its long-term recovery. Des solutions pour les passagers bloqués Depuis dimanche
Madagascar Airlines : 02 new ATR-72s by the end 2024
Madagascar Airlines : 02 new ATR-72s by the end 2024 As Madagascar Airlines strives to revitalize its airline activity, the arrival of the two new ATR-72s will mark a decisive step in optimizing its fleet and improving the passenger experience. Expected delivery before
Madagascar Airlines : a new international lease of life with Travelport !
Madagascar Airlines : a new international lease of life with Travelport ! In the current era, air competition is increasingly fierce, and Madagascar Airlines stands out with a bold initiative. By partnering with Travelport, the Malagasy airline aims to
Air France and Emirates Synchronize their long-haul flights with Madagascar Airlines
Air France et Emirates Synchronisent leurs vols long-courriers avec Madagascar Airlines Air France et Emirates ont lancé une nouvelle initiative : synchronize their long-haul flights with those of Madagascar Airlines. These collaborations will facilitate connections and allow passengers to access more
Air France and Madagascar Airlines : Agreement for better connectivity
Air France and Madagascar Airlines : Accord pour une meilleure connectivité Le 19 September 2024, Air France and Madagascar Airlines have signed a commercial cooperation agreement, aimed at strengthening air connectivity and providing passengers with travel options
MADAGASCAR AIRLINES POURSUIT SES ACTIONS DE REDRESSEMENT Selon Valery Ramonjavelo, new Minister of Transport and Meteorology, Madagascar Airlines continues its recovery actions, and plans to double its airline fleet within a few months. Madagascar Airlines veut doubler sa flotte Au
MADAGASCAR AIRLINES : 19 ROTATIONS HEBDOMADAIRES SUPPLÉMENTAIRES SUR SON RÉSEAU DOMESTIQUE Madagascar Airlines annonce une nouvelle étape dans le cadre de son plan de renouveau et de croissance, Phoenix 2030. Airline prepares to meet growing demand
Madagascar : The Ministry of Transport plans to authorize foreign companies to operate on domestic flights
Madagascar : Le Ministère des Transports envisage d'autoriser des compagnies étrangères à opérer sur les vols intérieurs Les pilotes de Madagascar Airlines ont exprimé leur grande inquiétude par rapport à l'orientation stratégique du ministère des Transports et de la Météorologie de Madagascar. Apparently,
A new fleet for Madagascar Airlines
Une nouvelle flotte pour Madagascar Airlines Madagascar Airlines a annoncé ce vendredi 31 May 2024, a rental of a Q400 from the South African company CemAir. This arrangement is made to meet the increasing demand of travelers during peak season. Back
MADAGASCAR AIRLINES VERS UN REDRESSEMENT PROGRESSIF La banque Mondiale apporte un soutien précieux auprès de Madagascar Airlines. She undertook to pay 60 $ million. More than half of this amount will allow the company to restructure and renovate its