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The deep meaning of certain Malagasy words by Hotel ★★★ Restaurant gourmand coconut Lodge Majunga

The deep meaning of certain Malagasy words by Hotel ★★★ Restaurant gourmand coconut Lodge Majunga

In Notes of Philology, Academician Clovis Ralaivola explains the origin and the meaning of some words.
He cites, for example, the words «manga» and «fotsy..
The color blue, «manga», is, you say, in honor of Madagascar. Also used to describe the elite, «olomanga». (Blue men) or the beautiful voice, «manga feo. (Blue voice). Positive talks are blue talks, «ny resaka manga.. A neighbourhood or a good windy village is called 'mangarivotra '. (Blue wind), Bel air.

According to the academician, This color also marks the ability or strength, as "omby manga. (Blue oxen), the wild oxen, «diamanga». (not white) kicks, typical Malagasy combat. The "magic wand" and medicinal plants translates into 'hazomanga '. (Blue baguette, Blue plants). The Malagasy capital once called "Analamanga. (Blue forest), not to mention the village of great King Andrianampoinimerina, Ambohimanga (Blue mount). Sometimes, the stars of the Malagasy song are called "voromanga". (Blue birds).

On the other hand,, the white color (fotsy) is derogatory. A person whose voice is unpleasant, is called "fotsy feo" and who likes to spend his time at his neighbour instead of caring for her home, is referred to as "fotsy varavarana. (It has the white door). A child who does not follow the advice of his parents, "whiten" the words of these, «mamotsifotsy».. And his parents listened to not "speak with white saliva"., («fotsy rora miteny.) ; their word is then said to be white, «fotsy teny.. Told of those who go to bed without eating, that they «lie in white», «mandry fotsy» and they have "the white intestine., «fotsy tsinay..

It is for this reason that white color does not serve to compose proper names, except in Rakotofotsy, more and more rare, and Rafotsy used to describe an old woman any. Names of districts or cities such as Ankadifotsy, Ambohipotsy, Ambatofotsy, Antanifotsy are due to the presence of White Earth (Tany fotsy) or white rock (vato fotsy). Clovis Ralaivola also cites Ramatoa, Madam, that breaks down into 'rana '., in Princess Indonesia, and "Kishan Chand., major. "By the fall of na., She became ramatoa. Phonetic amputation of the same syllable is found in the equivalent of the same word for man, Pierre, Mr, which is composed of andriana and Kishan Chand (the major prince). »

And after the academician, the word 'rana' is in use among the Betsimisaraka in 'ranavavy' to refer to a woman of a certain age. It also enters the composition of the name of Queens of Madagascar, who is Ranavalona,
«Rana voalohany. (Princess without previous). The phonetic evolution reduced «voalohany» to «valona"found in the name of a Malagasy sovereign, Andriamasinavalona (Andriana masina voalohany), the first prince sacred. "Valona not to not explain otherwise.. "Another word submitted by academician, «fanala» or hoarfrost. According to him, its meaning belies its etymology. Indeed, «fanala» decomposes so : "fana". (heating, cooking), 'ala '. (forest). The origin of this image of burning is the formation of "fanala" to designate the jelly. Thence, the adjective "mamanala". (that heats the forest) and that means, In fact, frozen, Iced.

Another term, "borizano" disowned "the meaning of origin to take the opposite direction".. "Borizano" is the malgachization of the french word "bourgeois"., become popular in Imerina when in 1810, Radama I proceeded to the reorganization of the military service which personal rich or bourgeois class. In a second time, 'borizano' used to describe non-military or civilian. Subsequently, It is used to call the holders of "filanjana".. And nowadays, It means maneuvers in general. So its present meaning is diametrically opposed to that of its origin. On the coast, 'borizano' means natives of Imerina and, Therefore, stands for "hova"..

Finally, the bull, "ombalahy" or more accurately "ombilahy"., is in Madagascar the mark of courage and engineering. Malagasy monarchs, only Andrianampoinimerina is called 'ombalahibemaso '. (the bull with big eyes) because it exceeds all others in wisdom and power. «Bemaso». (big eyes) There is added to qualify its force of intelligence. With big eyes, He sees broader and further.

The canines are called 'ombalahinify '. (Bulls of the teeth) because they are longer and more pointed than the other teeth. Told someone who stands out for his courage or his know-how, a champion, It is a bull «ombilahy» or «jaolahy»., Word which also means bull in coastal dialect.
«Omby., the same animal spayed or neutered, symbolizes the stupidity, ignorance. Told of someone who acts without intelligence or making shows of imbecility or a great awkwardness it acts as an ox, 'miasa ny omby ohatra., or is it a beef, «olona omby., ' ombin'olona.. To complete, an expression of contempt : «Hita foana ohatra ny omby. (big but dumb as an ox).

by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga

Strategic, dynamic, persuasive individual with 15 years experience in driving the performance of an ICT Company in the very tough environment of French Speaking African Countries. My main duties were to achieve all the targets in terms of sales, quotas and financial results (BS, P&L, FR, CFM) and be responsible for hiring and managing Human Resources teams. I am a confident, enthusiastic and inspiring individual who would enjoy partaking in areas of management, marketing, logistic, finance analysis, strategy, ISO, HR, etc.


  • 19 July 2019


    Thank you for this rewarding publication and who helped me find some Malagasy words I'd forgotten them having learned very small when I went to the Bush schools. I lived Maevetanana in 51-53 and spent 14 years to MADA. ' Alas, Since I forgot the language due to lack of practice. Only a few words remain to me as Mainty name given to one of my black poodle. Memories !!!

  • 19 July 2019


    Thank you for this rewarding publication and who helped me find some Malagasy words I'd forgotten them having learned very small when I went to the Bush schools. I lived Maevetanana in 51-53 and spent 14 years to MADA. ' Alas, Since I forgot the language due to lack of practice. Only a few words remain to me as Mainty name given to one of my black poodle. Memories !!!