Madagascar, best green destination in the Indian Ocean 2023
Madagascar, best green destination in the Indian Ocean 2023 The big island wins for the seventh consecutive time, The price " best green destination in the Indian Ocean " as part of the 30th edition of the World Travel Awards. Madagascar, best green destination
Where is Mayotte with its long runway project? ?
Where is Mayotte with its long runway project? ? Emmanuel Macron, during his official visit to 2019 in Mayotte, had made the promise that the first shovels for the long Mayotte runway would be given
Tourism in Madagascar : Encouraging statistics for 2023
Tourism in Madagascar : Encouraging statistics for 2023 According to figures provided by the Ministry of Tourism, Madagascar has welcomed more than 157 000 tourists during 9 first months of 2023. These figures are encouraging for operators who hope
Collaborator of the month of September 2023 : Congratulations Brigitte !
Collaborator of the month of September 2023 : Congratulations Brigitte ! We would like to congratulate Brigitte, it was she who won the title of best collaborator of the month of September 2023. Well done and congratulations again from the whole team
The wonders of Majunga
Les merveilles de Majunga Madagascar est un pays touristique qui attire de nombreux voyageurs du monde chaque année. In this article, we will show you another tourist hotspot on the Big Island which is the town of Majunga
Coco Lodge Majunga : Spanish evening with Paella
Coco Lodge Majunga : Soirée Espagnole avec Paëlla Le 12 October is Spain's National Day, it is also called Hispanic Day, ou Columbus Day in the language of Cervantes. At Coco Lodge Majunga, we will all celebrate this together
Madagascar will participate in the World Bakery Cup
Madagascar participera à la coupe du monde de la boulangerie Madagascar se prépare à briller sur la scène mondiale de la boulangerie. The Big Island will participate in the World Bakery Cup 2024 (CMB), which will be held in Paris
Hotel★★★ Coco Lodge Majunga and its history
Hôtel★★★ Coco Lodge Majunga et son histoire Pour l'historique de Coco Lodge Majunga Hôtel★★★, Restaurant Gourmand, Tour operator, Organizer of private or public conferences (3 rooms available) there are some important points to highlight and this since its
France : A new air tax
France : Une nouvelle taxe sur l’aérien Le projet de loi de finances 2024 implemented a new tax on airport concessions. Apparently, it will be limited to a very small number of airports, from a certain level of turnover