« Time for action » COP25 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
"Time for action" COP25
"Time for action" COP25, climate conference in Madrid.
The 02 to the 13 December 2019, the 25th United Nations Climate Change Conference COP25 took place under the presidency of the Government of Chile with the logistical support of the Spanish Government.
It began on a rather pessimistic note with regard to the major challenges to be taken up in order to ensure compliance with the Paris agreements. 2015, notably on the revision of the climate commitments of the biggest polluters. On the 196 countries represented in Madrid, hardly 40 are by their head of state or government. Experts are skeptical of a significant step forward.
196 country, including Madagascar, were represented in Madrid. Less than a quarter are represented by their leaders. These countries represented at COP25 (COnference of the Parties) are signatories to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), who have been holding an annual conference since 1995. In addition to the official delegations of each country and the experts, NGOs, city representatives, as well as journalists are also present. In Madrid, A few 25 .000 people are accredited in total.
"Time for action" COP25
Chilean Presidency has chosen the oceans and their roles in the fight against climate change as the main theme of COP25. The Conference was thus named “blue COP”. The slogan chosen is « Time for action » : it's time to act.
One of the “hot” topics : NDCs
Nationally determined contributions or NDCs are among the angry topics. According to the Paris Agreement, countries must present by 2020 and before COP26 in Glasgow their national plan to reduce their GHG emissions (greenhouse gas). The overall objective set by the Paris Agreement consist of reductions to remain +1.5 ° C in terms of global warming. For the moment, efforts are insufficient. Only 68 countries have joined " Climate ambition alliance "Launched by Chile at the UN summit for the climate in September 2019. This organization brings together countries that agree to raise their ambitions to 2020 in order to reach carbon neutrality in 2050.
No return point
According to the latest GIEC report (Group of intergovernmental experts on climate development), If humanity does not reduce its GHG programs enough, warming may exceed 3 ° C with irreversible consequences. The planet is currently approaching the point of no return
The carbon market
This is the CO2 emission exchange mechanism : Those who pollute less can "sell" their excess to those who pollute more. The subject is sensitive and thorny, Having earned intense showdown during COP24. Discussions have, By the way, not been completed. Hence the rest in Madrid. This is the last part of the rules for applying the Paris Agreement.
Industrialized countries were committed to paying 100 billions of dollars a year to help developing countries from 2020 Faced with the impacts of global warming. We are far from the account. According to the OECD report, the total amount, The maximum reached, is of 71,2 $ billion in 2017.
The United States withdraws
The United States has already announced its withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. This withdrawal will not be, However, effective lying 4 November 2020. At COP25, the United States is still represented by a delegation led by Marcia Bernicat, Head of the Office for Oceans and International Scientific and Environmental Affairs. With her, U.S. government officials involved in climate issues. On the other hand, the Democratic speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, also made the trip to Madrid with about 15 American elected officials.
Africa's expectations
Africa is faced with significant impacts of climate change : Droughts, floods and other disasters that its people are suffering, with considerable impact on the economies of African countries. They are waiting for long-term responses.
« Time for action »
Coco Lodge Majunga urges you to take action in the fight against climate change. "We do not inherit the land of our parents, We borrow it from our children. ». Urgent, it's time to act.
For survival and good of future generations, let's act.
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By #CocoLodgeMajunga