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15 precepts for life

15 préceptes pour simplifier sa vie by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga.

15 precepts to simplify his life by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga.

There is no recipe for living her life with more peace and harmony, in less suffering and disappointments. But these few simple principles can so improve our lives we'd be fools to deprive us.

At the bottom, Life is simple :

15 precepts for life :

1.Life always has our best interests

Despite what we believe, Life loves us and cares for us. Oh! Not always the way we would like but always in the best possible way for us to evolve. And sometimes we have a hard head, may the paths it takes to reach our heart be painful for us but it made sure we eventually wake up one day and by us open to what she has to offer us.

2.Everything is perfect.

Yes I know, It's an expression that you probably can't hear because she is conveyed on all fronts and in all possible ways. Yet, everything happens at the right time, more appropriately. Betrayals, the disappointments, losses, Although they are intolerable, all are designed to make us better, more aware, better connected to what we are deep into destroying the walls that we have built over the years, you know these walls which cut us from others and preventing the love to come to us ?

3.Everything has a meaning

Each event, each meeting, each emotion has a sense, as we awaken to more awareness, more love. If we take the time to analyze the situations of our past that hurt us, and if we're really honest with ourselves, We must confess that we have developed so far unsuspected forces through these events. We do not know how we are brave until be brave is the only choice have left us ! It is by accepting that everything has a meaning to find meaning to his life. We may seek a meaning to our lives but already give meaning to everything we live gives meaning to our lives. Live life fully, It is to give its meaning.

4.There is a gift in everything

Our role, It's finding the gift! Sometimes badly packed, sometimes to delay, every thing has a gift that is ours. In a family, even if all its members are in a similar situation, the gift will be different for each. Each of our injury has something to offer, each scar brings with it its unique treasure, each shapes who we are, in an exceptional way. Find the gift in any, There is always a.

5.No need to search our mission, It is our mission that find us

Remaining open to the signs of life and being listens to sound, following his directions and welcoming what it offers us, We are naturally oriented in our mission. What we do with passion, what turns us on, What makes us happy is part of our mission ; It is up to give us to space and time required for the course which is present.

6.Forgiving frees us

Another hard to hear sentence. But if we accept that everything is perfect, then we also accept that what hurt us was its raison d'etre, that make us better, to allow us to develop qualities or skills that we might not have developed in other. In the end, We realize that there is nothing to forgive, Since everyone plays a role in our lives, even if the role is terrible, It serves a greater mission than the person who carries it.

7.The angels are sometimes funny costumes

Sometimes, some beings seem despicable to us and play in our lives of roles which we would have liked to be able to pass us. Yet, in the great divine plan, These beings are perhaps our greatest teachers. Have you not noticed that the people that make us the most suffering are often those who make us the most grow ? This does not mean that we should tolerate them in our life but we must take advantage of what they teach us, Despite them, Despite us.

8.All past

Nothing lasts forever on this earth, all past. This moment of suffering, just like this moment of happiness, too shall pass. Know that everything is impermanent can help us to better accommodate what's there and that hurts and to appreciate more what is present and who is so good, knowing that everything will pass.

9.Life always has the last word

Il ne sert à rien de s’obstiner avec elle ou de vouloir tout contrôler, nous ne gagnerons pas ! Au grand jeu de la Vie, c’est elle qui décide, malgré notre volonté à vouloir que les choses se passent autrement, malgré notre planification minutieuse, malgré nos précautions infinies. La Vie c’est ce qui arrive quand nous sommes occupés à la planifier ou à tenter de la contrôler!

10.La Vie sait mieux que nous ce dont nous avons besoin

Une vérité incontestable, bien que souvent contestée ! Qui sommes-nous pour prétendre que nous ferions mieux que la Vie si nous étions à sa place? Quelle prétention nous autorise à juger de ce qui est correct et de ce qui ne l’est pas, What is wrong and what is right? Sometimes, Life needs to wake up in a strong way as we sleep maybe too long!

11.Life is not something that happens to us

It's something that responds, based on what we are and what we need. It is not inevitable, It is a grace, a privilege. Then, want something at all costs, If we are not at this point in our evolution, We are what we are able to receive according to what we are right now, According to our current beliefs, According to our opening presents.

12.Life is a school

But we each have our own training program, each level of studies, each our lessons to learn, all our tests. The sooner we learn the lesson, the sooner we can move on to the next.

13.Life is a dance

Learn to dance with her, follow its movements, Let's go with the flow! Follow the current, Let us wear, Let go of taking, trust in life to lead this dance of master hand, full of love and kindness.

14.Life is like the sea

A sequence of waves and undertows, inspirations and expirations, of contractions and expansions, each successive to others in an endless ballet. It is thus, whether we like it or not : a suite of happy moments and unhappy moments, as inspirations and expirations. Don't want that happy moments, c’est comme ne vouloir qu’inspirer: nous ne pouvons survivre sans accueillir son opposé aussi. Le jour où le mouvement cesse, la Vie cesse.

15.La Vie est un jeu

Quand on connaît les règles, on aime y jouer ! Les règles sont simples, c’est nous qui sommes compliqués. Tant que nous voulons que les choses fonctionnent à notre manière, nous souffrons. Quand nous faisons confiance à la grande sagesse de la Vie, nous sommes libres.

by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga.


Strategic, dynamic, persuasive individual with 15 years experience in driving the performance of an ICT Company in the very tough environment of French Speaking African Countries. My main duties were to achieve all the targets in terms of sales, quotas and financial results (BS, P&L, FR, CFM) and be responsible for hiring and managing Human Resources teams. I am a confident, enthusiastic and inspiring individual who would enjoy partaking in areas of management, marketing, logistic, finance analysis, strategy, ISO, HR, etc.


  • 2 May 2017

    11/11/2012 – 11:49pmSolo gobargg,solo gobargg!!!Solo llogargg,solo llogargg!!Jajaja!Esa es la estrategia moufiosa florentinesca.Yo tambien queria ver a esa banda de imparciales,pero cuando marco Morata,dije ya esta to er pescao vendio.Bueno,lo importante es queÂSeguimos a 8&aa342;.J#j8ja!Roman,mañana 12 dias de Noviembre,12 porkadas merenguesjajaja!Hasta los webos de esa bandaa!!

  • 2 May 2017

    11/11/2012 – 11:49pmSolo gobargg,solo gobargg!!!Solo llogargg,solo llogargg!!Jajaja!Esa es la estrategia moufiosa florentinesca.Yo tambien queria ver a esa banda de imparciales,pero cuando marco Morata,dije ya esta to er pescao vendio.Bueno,lo importante es queÂSeguimos a 8&aa342;.J#j8ja!Roman,mañana 12 dias de Noviembre,12 porkadas merenguesjajaja!Hasta los webos de esa bandaa!!