Madagascar is one of the three leading nations of 2019 #AlefaBarea #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Madagascar is one of the three leading nations of 2019 African football : Algeria, Senegal and Madagascar, the three flagship nations of 2019. Madagascar is one of the three leading nations of 2019 with Algeria, Senegal. The sports year 2019 ends for African football. Three
Christmas Values by Hanta Ramakavelo #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Christmas Values by Hanta Ramakavelo Lifestyle – Sharing Christmas Values by Hanta Ramakavelo Christmas Values by Hanta Ramakavelo. At a show training in Antananarivo, the 21 December, Hanta Ramakavelo conveyed comforting messages to the audience based
Comorian parliamentary elections launched #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Launch of the Comorian legislative elections Comoros : the President calls for "refusing useless quarrels and controversies" Official launch of the Comorian legislative elections by Azali Assoumani. The Comorian parliamentary elections 2020 planned 19 January and 23 Next February.
Merry Christmas to all l ’ team Coco Lodge Majunga #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Merry Christmas from all the team Coco Lodge Majunga. For new year's Eve tonight, Coco Lodge Majunga offers you a delicious dinner
Climate world day and Christmas green #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
World Climate Day and Green Christmas Party “There are no more seasons my good lady
Valentine's day Tuesday 14 February at the Gourmet Restaurant coconut Lodge Majunga #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
Valentine's day Tuesday 14 February at the Coco Lodge Majunga Gourmet Restaurant Like every year, the Hotel ★★★ Gourmet Restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga organizes a Valentine's Day dinner, with the group Trio Family for the animation. Last year was special because for the first