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Climate world day and Christmas green #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille

Climate world day and Christmas Green
« Y’a plus d’saisons ma bonne dame … "at the initiative of several ecological associations of France and Belgium, We celebrate, the 8 December, climate world day (ou journée mondiale contre le changement climatique).

Global warming
Il ne se passe plus une semaine sans qu’on nous parle du réchauffement climatique et des conséquences qu’il fait peser sur l’avenir de la planète. The scientific community n ’ is not unanimous and the many internet sites that turns some “truths” prefabricated does not show much … to listen, He “would be sufficient” to reduce consumption drastically ’ energy on the planet … the facts are often more complex and l ’ history of the planet s ’ part of long ice ages and warm periods alternating.
We propose you to discover little conformist proposals l ’ former Minister Claude Allègre… taking the opposite view of the Green lobbies. Even if you n ’ do not agree with the theses as ’ he defends, You can only recognize that ’ it forces us to ask ourselves with good questions and what ’ it is always good to find researchers who don't feel compelled not to bleat with l ’ whole herd !

Journée Mondiale du Climat et fête de Noël écolos by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga.

But, We approach approaching Christmas and the holiday ’ year, then how to prepare Christmas Green ?
At Christmas, our habits are put to the test. Yet, l ’ environmental impact of the holidays is undeniable since ’ they constitute a period of overconsumption (food, energy, in terms of gifts offered…). Without spoiling the party, It is possible to take into account our environmental impact to reduce, with some information useful and easy to implement.
Difficult to reconcile parties and sobriety. Resulting in a very high consumption, Christmas carries high stakes in terms of "responsible and sustainable consumption.. In some cities, Traders say they realize more than a quarter of their sales ’ annual Christmas case.

Depuis qu’un large number of ’ production plants have been relocated to China, imports of toys increased considerably towards the ’ European Union (62 % Toys come from China and 7,5 % of countries outside the European Union), and their carbon footprint with.
Difficile d’estimer précisément les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des cadeaux, the only existing calculations to l ’ currently trying to ’ establish the carbon footprint of Santa Claus from Lapland (Finland). However, We know that 60 % offered to Christmas toys are plastic and 30% gifts are electronic games, ce qui dans les deux cas représente d’importantes émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Electronic games are primarily responsible for these emissions en utilisant des composants qui ne sont pas anodins, while being, for some, préjudiciables pour la santé de nos enfants.

According to the researchers of l ’ Institute of ’ Stockholm Environment, Britanniques Noël gifts would weigh 310 pounds of CO2 emitted per capita. If the ’ we add the carbon footprint of activities, those food, travel, illuminations, etc. a total of 650 pounds of CO2 per capita, What is more d ’ a go- simple to New York from Paris by plane.
Considérant la population mondiale et la capacité actuelle de la planète d’absorber le CO2, We should not emit more than 1 700 pounds of CO2 per inhabitant and per year. Il s’agirait même d’un objectif impératif si nous ne voulons pas accélérer le changement climatique et produire des effets incontrôlables. 650 pounds of CO2 to Christmas already represent 35% our rights d ’ shows on l ’ year ! Remind that ’ individual issues in France more than 5 tons of CO2 per year ! To meditate…

The best gifts for Christmas

  • Opt for exchangeable gifts, in order not to present useless. It is possible in many ’ signs to ask receipts without apparent price.
  • L ’ purchase d ’ opportunity can s ’ be interesting (video games, bikes…) : This practice is growing more and more and it is quite possible to find objects of quality second hand, for example in the many scholarships to toys that bloom before the holidays Christmas.
  • Focus on robust objects that require no batteries, batteries to operate.
  • Favoriser des jouets sains pour nos enfants : PVC-free, choose eco-labeled games (CF. le site de l’écolabel européen) are some interesting tips.

Choose a Christmas tree
Opt for a quality than the tree ’ can we keep several years (more than 3 years) or to make oneself a tree through materials discarded (for the most creative). 80% firs sold in France are grown in l ’ Hexagon, specifically for Christmas. N ’ so be sure to ask the provenance of your tree ! If you replant the tree in your garden, do it in the days following your purchase or transplantation will not work. Avoid artificial snow made from chemicals that prevents the composting of the tree after the holidays

For a less materialistic and more human Christmas.
In all cases, la période de Noël ne doit plus être celle de la surenchère des cadeaux. L ’ love for a person is not counted in the number of gifts et il n’y a pas de corrélation entre le prix d’un cadeau et l’affection portée à un être cher. L ’ regular attention to our loved ones seems to be proof much more tangible than ’ an avalanche of gifts fell hood d ’ a Santa Claus, conduct that betrays a consumerism always stronger.

Be careful and think in our acts of ’ purchase so that the deals for Valentine are already pointing the tip of their nose, evidence that the sirens of over-consumption are working well. ..
Do ensure that ’ a gift does not become a burden, but a sincere testimony of our love.

By Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga


Strategic, dynamic, persuasive individual with 15 years experience in driving the performance of an ICT Company in the very tough environment of French Speaking African Countries. My main duties were to achieve all the targets in terms of sales, quotas and financial results (BS, P&L, FR, CFM) and be responsible for hiring and managing Human Resources teams. I am a confident, enthusiastic and inspiring individual who would enjoy partaking in areas of management, marketing, logistic, finance analysis, strategy, ISO, HR, etc.