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Merry Christmas to all !

Merry Christmas to all l ’ team Coco Lodge Majunga #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille

Merry Christmas to all l ’ team Coco Lodge Majunga.

For new year's Eve tonight, Coco Lodge Majunga offers you a delicious dinner

Christmas is above all things – before the tree, the crib, gifts -, the feast of the birth of Jesus. By dint of Santa Claus and advertising of all kinds, the children eventually l ’ forget … QED

Solidarity Christmas
Christmas is a holiday with family or friends, but also a solidarity party with all the misery that surround usWhat if, on this Christmas day, We are - each- get a single person to l ’ invite to spend a moment of happiness ?
We at Coco Lodge Majunga, It's done !

Merry Christmas from all the team Coco Lodge Majunga

Merry Christmas from the entire TEAM Coco Lodge Majunga by Hotel ★★★ Gourmet restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga.

Christmas comes from the latin “dies natalis” or date of birth. It is also said “Nativity”. It is the celebration of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. The Angel asked Joseph to call his son Jesus which is “God save”. The weakness of this newborn and the poverty of the Manger, will spring forth the power of the Resurrection. Christmas is celebrated the 25 December.

Feast of the Nativity
The Christmas party is, for Christians, that of the Nativity, the birth of the Savior… in conditions of destitution. Let us remember when fall once again into the temptation of pervasive materialism …

“The mystery of Christmas said the dignity of the flesh”.
This was one of the first stumbling blocks of the Christian faith. "The word became flesh.", This is a heavy statement of scandal !
In the Hellenistic culture, It seemed unworthy of God. Because the flesh was scorned, promised to the destruction. Marcus Aurelius said that the body of the man was "a bag of excrement.". Where the temptation, in the first centuries, to deny this assertion. Some have said that God doesn't s ’ was not actually made flesh, as ’ he had taken an apparent flesh or flesh made d ’ celestial elements. Or even that Christ had just crossed the flesh. C ’ is as ’ is found in the apocryphal Gospels or in the Gnostic Writings.
Christian theology, It, has always defended the reality of the flesh assumed by Jesus. This shows the dignity of the flesh and its role in the way of salvation. "The flesh is the pivot of salvation" says Tertullian. By taking our flesh, God rescues her and reveals to him his dignity. C ’ is a flesh for the glory, destiny in the vision of God.

St. John opens his Gospel with these mysterious words : “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God”. St. John announced that ’ deep, the birth of Jesus is a mystery. In l ’ Gospel of mark, We're almost right away at the edge of the Jordan, at the time of the baptism of Jesus. Only the first chapters of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, What ’ also called stories of l ’ childhood, talk to us about the birth of Jesus. One of Luke's whole centered on Mary. After the ’ appearance of l ’ Angel to Zechariah who announces the birth of John the Baptist, Elisabeth meets Marie, and both are in the ’ joy, because Mary has just ’ have the visit of the ’ angel who announces the birth of Jesus.
Matthew and Luke n ’ not want to write a full biography of Jesus. Otherwise, We would know more about his childhood and his hidden life, that have lasted much longer than his public life. These two evangelists tried to tell the ’ origin of Jesus, by showing that from the first moments of its existence, It was really ’ God sent. The first expression of the faith having been that of the Resurrection, These stories are a return back on the past of Jesus. The first Christians in fact n ’ had not only found the miracle d ’ a return of Jesus to life. They had immediately understood ’ he had entered, as ’ he had been regenerated in the life of God. From there, They considered that Jesus was God long, What ’ it has always belonged to l ’ history of salvation, c ’ is to say, to the project of God ’ humanity : It is from the very beginning l ’ Messenger of God to men. The stories of the Nativity so tell us about the will of God to make the ’ unborn his own son, and give it to the world.

We read this passage from the letter to the Ephesians in front of the Manger : “He chose us in Christ before the Foundation of the world, to make us Holy. He predestined us to be for him the adoptive son by Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 1). Or the letter to the Galatians : “But when l came ’ fulfillment of the time, God sent his son born d ’ a woman and subject to the law, to pay for the release of those who are subject to the Act, so that ’ we be given d ’ be adoptive son” (Galatians 4,4-5). These two texts of St. Paul shed light on the fact that ’ at Christmas, Jesus takes our condition d ’ powerlessness to communicate his own condition d ’ child of God. C ’ is one illustration of the will of God d ’ adopt the men as his children, from birth.

Whence the tradition of the Christmas tree ?
Like most of the symbols of Christmas, the tree has its origins in pagan religions that preceded Christianity. What is surprising, the date of the Nativity of Christ had itself been chosen so as to supplant the pagan celebrations of the winter solstice. In the Roman empire, the date of the 25 December - who was then at the solstice - marked the feast of the solar divinity Sol Invictus. It was itself preceded by the week of the Saturnalia, celebrant Saturn, God of agriculture, during which it was the custom of exchanging gifts.... The Romans also decorated their houses with branches of conifers for the occasion. In Northern Europe, among some Germanic peoples and Scandinavia, the period was that of the feast of Yule. In Norse mythology, It's the God Heimdall, who came, in the night, visit each human household, and left gifts to those well is being conducted during the year. In all of these celebrations, the use of trees as decoration Evergreen is a constant.

Merry Christmas to all.

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