Tennis – Southern Africa : Bravo Mitia and Mirija !
Tennis - Southern Africa : Bravo Mitia and Mirija ! Good news for Malagasy rackets in Zimbabwe. Mitia and Mirija won the title of Southern Africa Champions in individual yesterday in Harare. Tennis - Southern Africa : Bravo Mitia and Mirija ! The young Malagasy rackets have just made a big splash by winning the individual titles
Air : What about flights between Comoros and Madagascar ?
Air : What about flights between Comoros and Madagascar ? No news of the resumption of the Comoros – Madagascar line since the suspension of flights operated by Madagascar Airlines last July. Thus, the question arises what about ? Air :
Bravo and Congratulations Falina !
Bravo and Congratulations Falina ! We would like to congratulate Falina for her excellent work. He won the title of employee of the month for December 2022. Bravo Falina ! Congratulations Falina ! Bravo and Congratulations Falina ! You worked so hard, the whole team has it
Ewa Air pursuit ses vols entre Dzaoudzi - Mahajanga
Ewa Air poursuit ses vols entre Dzaoudzi – Mahajanga Pour ce mois de Janvier, Ewa Air operates 22 vols aller et retour sur la ligne Dzaoudzi – Mahajanga avec son ATR72. You will have more information on the program of these flights in
Economy : Madagascar, world's largest exporter of cloves
Economy : Madagascar, premier exportateur mondial de girofle Selon les données du Ministère de l’industrialisation, Trade and Consumption, Madagascar a été le premier pays exportateur mondial des clous de girofle l'année dernière. Madagascar : Premier exportateur mondial de girofle Madagascar est bien
2023 : Year of victory and enterprise for Madagascar
2023 : Année de victoire et d’entreprise pour Madagascar Rétrospective d’une année difficile et perspective d’une année de victoire et d’entreprise, in a peaceful political climate and national cohesion. These are the main axes of the greeting speech, prononcé par