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Développement économique by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga.

Développement économique by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga.

Francophonie rhymes with economic development. This is the case to say, with the holding last week, Ibis Hotel, the meeting between the Group of companies of Madagascar (GEM) and the businesses of the Morocco General Confederation (CGEM).

Une rencontre qui s’est tenue en marge du Sommet de la Francophonie et qui a permis aux opérateurs économiques malgaches et marocains de procéder à des échanges en vue de la réalisation de partenariats. Une très grande opportunité en somme, since if Madagascar is full of potential, the Morocco is obviously an interesting trade country insofar as this country has a very dynamic private sector.

Intracontinentaux. Indeed, la CGEM qui représente le secteur privé et l’industrie du Maroc, public authorities and institutions, alone account for about 55% Moroccan GDP. Its 88.000 members provide most of 3 million jobs to 95% de PME et le groupement dispose également d’un poids politique non négligeable avec ses huit sièges au Sénat marocain et son influence au niveau syndical. Cooperation with the Morocco is all the more interesting insofar as it is one of the first intracontinental investors in Africa. In short, the Morocco serves as a leader in Africa for private investment.

A position that this country has achieved through the comparative advantages it has. Starting with a very stable political environment makes of Morocco, a country of destination for local and international investment. En effet, the institutional reform at the Morocco did it is the country that has been spared by the Arab spring. The Prime Minister has elected a maneuver powers to manage the country which has, Moreover, consistent and stable macroeconomic fundamentals. On the 10 last years, the Morocco for example recorded a stable around growth rate 4,8% and the inflation rate is under control around 1,8%.

Plans sectoriels. Le succès marocain trouve également son origine dans ses plans sectoriels très ambitieux. A commencer par son plan Emergence, appeal to major international investment and who currently starts to bear fruit, avec notamment l’installation de la première usine Renault qui est à l’origine de nombreux emplois. The Green Morocco Plan, relating to agribusiness is also very carrier, with the key over 15 milliards de dollars d’investissements publics et privés. Il y a également le tourisme qui est très développé au Maroc, with a goal of 20 millions of tourists on the horizon 2020. Also include the renewable energy plan, including solar and wind power to achieve a goal projects of 52% renewable energy in 2020. Le Maroc est également connu pour ses grandes infrastructures avec notamment 15 international airports, 1500 km d’autoroutes en connexion avec différents pays frontaliers et un réseau ferroviaire très développé qui a déjà sa première ligne à grande vitesse.

Emerging. A partner in short and which can serve as an example in Madagascar, un pays qui peut aussi rejoindre le rang des émergents. By the way, the Minister of industry and the development of the private sector who proceeded, yesterday at the opening of the meeting between the EME and the CGEM, a profité de l’occasion pour annoncer que différentes sortes de mesures sont actuellement mises en œuvre pour donner au secteur privé malgache un environnement des affaires favorables. In any case, la réunion entre le GEM et la CGEM d’hier a permis aux hommes d’affaires des deux pays de réaliser des échanges qui aboutiront à des projets concrets. The presence among the Moroccan delegation of leaders of multinational companies is harbinger of cooperation which will be certainly fruitful for both parties.

by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga.

Strategic, dynamic, persuasive individual with 15 years experience in driving the performance of an ICT Company in the very tough environment of French Speaking African Countries. My main duties were to achieve all the targets in terms of sales, quotas and financial results (BS, P&L, FR, CFM) and be responsible for hiring and managing Human Resources teams. I am a confident, enthusiastic and inspiring individual who would enjoy partaking in areas of management, marketing, logistic, finance analysis, strategy, ISO, HR, etc.