18 April : Day global radio amateur #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
18 April : Day world by amateur radio Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga
You start to know, There is a day for all and today, It's world amateur radio day, It was a 18 April 1925 that the international amateur radio Union was formed in Paris.
Radio amateur by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga
Even if new means of communications from of the digital world were a little pale image of radio amateurism, amateur radios have their day. Each 18 April, in effect, one celebrates the anniversary of the creation of the IARU (International Amateur Radio Union).
Amateur radio : a means of communication full
Universe of radio amateurs is today little known public that has sometimes assimilated them to the ham before you forget them totally. Give them justice and hope that this day will inspire each other to better document this discipline of real communication.
The amateur radio are people who practice, without pecuniary interest, a technical hobby to experimenting techniques of transmission and impact to establish radio links with other amateurs around the world. Many technological advances are due to radio amateurs, It is thanks to them that the frequencies above for example of 30 MHz are used today. Amateur radio activity allows to acquire technical knowledge in the areas of radio and electronics and develop bonds of friendship between fans of different countries.
Radio amateurs may discuss technical radio, but we also see in the conversations of other related scientific topics as meteorology, computing, Astronomy, etc. Today, use admits that it also addresses respect community life provided that each operator discussed on its own behalf and not on behalf of third parties. Radio amateurs have a duty of restraint and refrain from addressing political and religious topics.
Amateur radio celebrates
Many American celebrities have been amateur radio …
- The Cronkite journalisteWalter, KB2GSD, or Senator Barry Goldwater, K7UGA.
- Steve Wozniakcofondateur of Apple with the code WA6BND.
- Joe Walsh, ex guitarist of Eagles, area codeWB6ACU.
- Chet Atkins, guitarist, has had two codes:WA4CZD, then in 1998, W4CGP.
- Joe Taylor, American astrophysicist, Nobel Prize in Physics for 1993, as an indication aK1JT.
Many astronauts,cosmonauts or astronauts have been amateur radio …
- Yuri Gagarin, first man in space
- Roberto Vittori, Italian Cosmonaut
- Dirk Frimout, first Belgian astronaut
- Frank Winne, Second Belgian in space and first European Commander of l’ ISS
- Claude Nicollier, Astronaut Switzerland
- Thomas Pesquet, french astronaut
Albert II of Monaco has been honorary, President of honor of the Association of Radio amateur of Monaco, the call sign 3A0AG that he has never used nor allowed an another amateur radio licensed to use. This code is also not in the official list of the radio amateurs of Monaco (http://www.arm.asso.mc/page7.html) Although appearing on various sites.
International rules
The radio-frequency spectrum is a natural resource. Its use is regulated by the International Telecommunication Union (IUT) within the United Nations, responsible for defining the allocation and the terms of use of radio frequencies.
The radio regulations (RR) includes the rules related to the amateur service. It is revised every three years at the World Radiocommunication Conference (CMR). The recasting of article 25 of the regulations at the Conference of 2003 a, in particular, removed the requirement of knowledge of the Morse code to use the frequencies below 29,7 MHz. This tends to generalize, but some countries, including the Russia, continue (en 2008) demand it.
Amateur radio activity is accessible to all, regardless of the level of education, including children, Although some countries impose a minimum of age 13 years.