Majunga, cosmopolitan city, is a land that lives the culture of all its people. Very safe city, very quiet and full of life at the same time, Majunga offers an exceptional playground for lovers of adventure and discovery..
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Majunga City Centre


Réveillon de Nouvel An à l’hôtel★★★ restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge à Majunga

Menu du Réveillon de Nouvel An
Tout inclus, excluding drinks, service à table
AR 75,000.- per person

12 huîtres d’Anosy numéro 3, natures ou gratinées

12 Burgundy snails, House garlic butter

Foie gras de canard poêlé, caramelized pears, pain d’épices et toasts de pain aux noix


Trou normand litchis, sorbet et eau de vie


Piece of beef Rossini, wild mushrooms, purée mixte cresson pomme de terre à la cardamone


Café ou thé TRÈS gourmand façon Coco Lodge

Happy new year 2015 to all.
Health, happiness and prosperity to you, your families, all your relatives, all your friends.

Strategic, dynamic, persuasive individual with 15 years experience in driving the performance of an ICT Company in the very tough environment of French Speaking African Countries. My main duties were to achieve all the targets in terms of sales, quotas and financial results (BS, P&L, FR, CFM) and be responsible for hiring and managing Human Resources teams. I am a confident, enthusiastic and inspiring individual who would enjoy partaking in areas of management, marketing, logistic, finance analysis, strategy, ISO, HR, etc.


  • 6 December 2015


    Bjr pourrions ns avoir le menu pour le 31 December 2015 Thank you

    • 7 December 2015

      Nos menus de Noël et Nouvel An sont prêts, AR 95 000.- per person (menu enfant à la demande), les voici :
      Christmas :

      KIR Royal with its mouth home layouts
      Saumon fumé façon Coco Lodge avec ses blinis tièdes
      Cassolette de homard palourdes et moules au safran
      Foie gras de canard nature, confiture d’oignons et gelée de mangue sur pain d’épices et toasts de pain aux noix
      Foie gras de canard poêlé, joue de mangue caramélisée, pain d’épices et toasts de pain aux noix
      Trou normand sorbet et eau de vie litchis
      Dinde de Noël aux marrons et aux champignons forestiers, mousseline pomme de terre et céleri
      Bûche de Noël aux marrons et au chocolat

      New year :

      KIR Royal with its mouth home layouts
      Cream of lobster with ginger
      Parmentier with black truffle and foie gras
      12 Burgundy snails, House garlic butter
      Hole normand raspberry brandy
      Piece of beef Rossini, wild mushrooms, black truffle potato puree
      Coffee or tea very gourmand way coconut Lodge

      Merci et à votre écoute.
      Kind regards.

      Eric (Manager)

  • 6 December 2015


    Bjr pourrions ns avoir le menu pour le 31 December 2015 Thank you