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Malagasy tale : Ranoro by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga


There are many centuries, at the time of the legendary people, the Vazimba, who were the ancestors of the Malagasy, There were, you say, of ZAZAVAVINDRANO or water girls.

Gold a day, Andriambodilova, While he was resting on the edge of the Mamba, saw a beautiful girl sitting on a rock in the middle of the river.

He remained silent admiration before beauty. His hair was so long that they soaked in water and its eyes if great, what they seemed to reflect the entire landscape. She dreamed, the look lost to Analamanga, “the blue forest”, where is built, now, Antananarivo. Andriambodilova contemplated the lovely creature without daring to move or speak. But still wanting to express his admiration, He began to sing. It
had a very soft voice and singing came up to the blue sky where, slowly, a flight of Vorompotsy (White Heron).

The beautiful with long hair, After listening for a few moments, plunged and the young man, disappointed, long remained the eyes fixed on the rock, by calling in vain. For several days, Andriambodilova returned to the same place and at the same time. The Mermaid was, as faithful to the venue, but as soon as he called it, She disappeared.

So he decided to use a ploy and a morning, swimming without noise between two waters, he approached the rock where seemed to sleep the Ondine and grabs one of his long strands that floated on water like soft algae. She opened big surprised eyes and wanted to dive, but young Vazimba had loose not taken and she could not move. He then ascended the rock, next to it.

– I do not enfuirai me, She said and his voice was as gentle as his gaze. More pulls on my hair, you make me ill. What do you want me?
– Tell me what is your name? I can't live without you. Will you be my wife?
– My name is Suresh, daughter of Andriantsira (the Lord - du-sel); I live in the bottom of the River with the people of waves, in the Grandes caves where water does not penetrate. It is the most beautiful country in the world, but me too I love you and I want to stay on land. If I dipped several times, This was only for you experience, because when the love is not shared, It is like a dried up river. Take me in your box, I will be your wife, but on one condition, It is that you pronounce never before me the word “Salt”. Andriambodilova promised and, about happiness, He took his bride in beautiful box that he had, a little away from the village. And while she walked, Suresh lifted her hair so they don't drag in the dust.

The years passed and they were happy, they had many children.

The sequel to the Vazimba legend :

One morning, Andriambodilova decided to leave all morning to return its field. Before leaving, He recommended to Suresh to tie the calf because he wanted to wean him and milking the cow on his return.

But Suresh, who was very dizzy, made a mistake and tied the calf by tail, and then went back into the House. This was not to the liking of the young animal and he struggled so that it broke. After which, He had nothing more pressed than to join his mother and drinking all the milk.
When Andriambodilova returned fields, He saw by far the calf which gambadait around the cow. He began in great anger and anger, everyone knows, is a bad adviser.

-You are good for nothing ! shouted. You'll always be what a girl-du-Sel.
No sooner had she heard the word fatal that, even without taking the time to embrace his children, Suresh ran to the river and plunged.

Andriambodilova shouted :
-But shut up so, Children-du-Sel.
This is certainly not what arranged the situation because Suresh came never back on Earth.
However, it is said that she was in a dream to her husband and her children to advise.

It also showed the people of the country and would have told them :
-If you remember my well-made, I will continue to protect you, and if you come to the stone house where I refuge, I will help you.
The place where, According to tradition, Suresh would be thrown into the river has become sacred.
It is in the village of Andranoro near Antananarivo that lies “the stone house”, the pilgrimage.

This stone house is a cave full of water, near a large rock where she would have filed her lamba before disappearing.
All who pass invoke Lady-Suresh-la-Sainte.
Its intervention is, you say, very effective in all circumstances.

But it is not I who am the liar …

Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga

Strategic, dynamic, persuasive individual with 15 years experience in driving the performance of an ICT Company in the very tough environment of French Speaking African Countries. My main duties were to achieve all the targets in terms of sales, quotas and financial results (BS, P&L, FR, CFM) and be responsible for hiring and managing Human Resources teams. I am a confident, enthusiastic and inspiring individual who would enjoy partaking in areas of management, marketing, logistic, finance analysis, strategy, ISO, HR, etc.