2 Belles histoires de la St Valentin by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga.
2 Belles histoires de la St Valentin by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga.
And think about your reservation for dinner of Valentine's day of your choice, Saturday 13 or Sunday 14 to the 034 07 011 34
The beautiful story of the day: designed the day of Valentine's day, She was born with a heart on the front !
ENGLAND – A British couple had chosen to start her baby the 14 February 2015. Born in November, small Poppy-Rae arrived, as to mark the coup, with a birthmark in the shape of heart on the front.
Hard to believe this story before seeing the pictures of the little girl. Since Wednesday, a few days of Valentine's, the British press, including the Daily Mail, echoes of an event for the least out of the ordinary and only cutest.
The 14 February 2015, to celebrate the feast of love, Jade Sparham, 20 years, and Liam Scaife, 21 years, domiciled in Skegness in Lincolnshire, England, start a baby. Nine months later, was born the small Poppy-Rae, pretty brunette in the clear eyes.
A star is born
In addition to her pretty face, Poppy-Rae has posted, two days after his birth, a feature which made it today a star. Indeed, the little girl was born with redness on the front. While the obstetrician and pediatrician assured parents that it was going to disappear, It became instead increasingly marked. 48 hours after his arrival on Earth, Poppy-Rae had a birthmark on the forehead… heart shaped. What make her parents happy.
Discover the incredible message posted on a billboard in Paris for Valentine
A photo appearing to come all right a billboard advertising of Paris was published by an Internet user on Twitter. Priori circulated by the Mairie de Paris for Valentine, the message promoted the florists of the capital in an amazing way...
“Paris florists offer you to celebrate St. Valentine 50% discount on the 2nd bouquet ! Think of your mistress also!” Spotted by a user, the photograph in question quickly spread on social networks, causing the reactions of users who wonder about the authenticity of such advertising. Because if the photo actually appears to come from a Parisian Billboard, one can legitimately ask if it is the city of Paris, who had the idea of a such hook, or if it is simply the work of a small wag. Imagine indeed poorly the city encourage infidelity and enjoy to boost sales of its merchants. Whatever it is, and even if the marketing coup is not wanted, is that the message in question is talking about him, and perhaps was that the purpose.
by Hôtel★★★ Restaurant gourmand Coco Lodge Majunga.