A turtle care centre - soon to be in Mayotte #SaveTurtle #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
A turtle care centre - soon to be in Mayotte
The environmental association Oulanga Na Nyamba has announced plans to open a marine turtle care centre in Mayotte. Objective : take care of about 20 sea turtles a year and at the same time welcome more than 7 000 visitors per year to raise awareness among the general public.
Environmental project
The main objectives are the preservation of the environment, raising public awareness and even creating tourism added value.
There are many at stake in this future marine turtle care centre in theOulanga Na Nyamba Association, scheduled to open within two years in Little Earth. "For several years now, all the actors involved in the environment have defined this need. And so far, there is no structure to accommodate injured marine animals", points to Mrs Jeanne Wagner. Ms. Wagner is a marine biologist and director of the.
Since 2010, any dead or injured animals can be reported to the Mahorese stranding network of marine mammals and sea turtles (Remmat), which, if necessary, can call in a veterinarian.
But the problem lies in the fact that there is no place of convalescence. "We're doing it with the means on board. But it's not always optimal.", regrets the director of Oulanga Na Nyamba, whose organization is itself a member of the Remmat.
Thus, only two to four injured turtles can be taken care of, charge each year. « Unfortunately, we release some without almost any care, because we're not able to take care of them., deplores Jeanne Wagner. For example, this is the case when the animal's shell is severely broken, or that a limb has been torn off by a dog.
Where will this health centre be located ?
To build this turtle care centre, dubbed the “Kaz'a Nyamba”, it was still necessary to find suitable ground, easily accessible, at the water's edge and near a veterinary practice. After several years of land research conducted by Oulanga Na Nyamba, the mayor of Dzaoudzi-Labattoir finally proposes a plot under development on the Boulevard des Crabs.
A huge step forward for the project, to the point where it even takes on a new dimension. "Basically, It was supposed to be an emergency care center.. But given the enthusiasm of actors and financiers, we thought it would be nice to add an awareness structure where we can accommodate residents, tourists and schoolchildren ; what Mayotte sorely lacks", reveals Jeanne Wagner.
"We're going to welcome 7.000 visitors per year", plans the association Oulanga Na Nyamba.
"The reality is that, it is not treating turtles that will most protect them, but rather raising public awareness by valuing this animal in a different way. And let it become a lever for public accountability. We can do education through and around the turtle"", which even today, many individuals in distress are never reported.
Yet, it is not uncommon for some of them to be victims of fishing accidents. "What comes up most often, they are turtles that have swallowed a hook by accident", explains Jeanne Wagner. While in most cases, "fishermen are playing the game" by releasing the catch, the metal hook him, stays in the animal's mouth. And it ends up triggering an infection, possibly fatal if left untreated.
(Source : MayotteHebdo_06/07/20)
Pollution, poaching and accidental catches by fishing gear are the greatest threats to these turtles. Yet these species are so essential for our marine ecosystem. Following this coronavirus pandemic, the amount of waste dumped in the sea has already increased. Plastic masks and gloves.
Let us be aware of our actions and preserve our environment !
A turtle care centre - soon to be in Mayotte
Congratulations to the Oulanga Na Nyamba association for this very great initiative !
By #CocoLodgeMajunga
Preserving the environment remains one of the main concerns of the Hotel★★★ gourmet restaurant Coco Lodge Majunga.
Located in Mahajanga - Madagascar, we're also :
- one Hôtel★★★,
- one Gourmet restaurant,
- one 4x4 renter chauffeur guide
- one Event organizer (conferences, seminars, workshops, themed lunches or dinners, wedding, anniversary, …).
- and a Tour operator which organises tours on Majunga and its surroundings (Caves of Anjohibe, Ankarafantsika National Park, Sacred Lake, Circus Red, Beaches, Katsepy lighthouse, Mahavavy-Kinkony complex, Tsingy de Namoroka, ....)