More hope in Madagascar #Coronavirus #Covid19 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
More and more hope in Madagascar
Coronavirus : More and more hope in Madagascar
Madagascar, there is no shortage of hope in the war against coronavirus covid-19. The Presidency, The Ministry of Public Health, scientists, artists and even ordinary citizens remain optimistic. More and more hope in Madagascar !
A positive balance sheet
We are currently in the 23 healed people of Covid-19 in the Big Island. Actually, the number of people cured has only increased in the last week.
On the other hand, the number of new confirmed cases remains fairly stable. To this day, no one has severe forms of. And there have been no deaths yet. According to yesterday's report, We 85 active people at Covid-19 and 23 Healings. And none has a serious form.
President remains optimistic about the study of the cure
Andry Rajoelina reaffirmed in a social media post his belief in the cure. "Faced with the Covid-19, we will be able to propose a traditional remedy improved made up of malagasy medicinal plants that has already proven itself".
A message that gives hope to the world, in the face of this war against this coronavirus pandemic.
As a result of the reactions and lack of confidence of some, the President was confident in his communication this Easter weekend. "On this Easter day, Madagascar sends a message of hope to the world with our biodiversity 80% endemic hopes". And he added that "While waiting for the results of clinical trials, we are confident that we can change the course of history in this global war against this pandemic".
Anyway, to play one of the leading roles in the war against coronavirus, Madagascar will have to have great scientific arguments to convince international opinion.
One “Star” Malagasy tested positive at Covid-19 affirms its courage.
Tence Mena remains standing down and courageous in the face of coronavirus. She tells the general public that she has tested positive for coronavirus, on his Facebook page. And it clearly shows that it will not let itself be. "Test result today, still positive. This disease “Corona” is tough. The fight continues. Wishing the best for all of you. Stay at home," she said..
It didn't take long for people to come to support her. The word courage appears in each of the more than four thousand comments, most of which offer a small prayer for the star's speedy recovery, as well as some tips to boost the body. The messages of comfort from his “Fun” successively.
Always be careful
Despite this good news, containment devices are maintained. Don't shout victory too soon because there's cause for concern, in light of the COVId-19 CCO statement. Their spokesperson pointed out that "We need to be careful and increase vigilance. Coronavirus spreads, in Antananarivo, including". She noted that, than among the new confirmed and announced cases, Sunday, a woman of 62 years, living in Antananarivo, was infected without direct contact with people from abroad or suspected cases.
"Stay home. This reduces the risk of contamination".
Infectious disease, In addition, only with the current situation, that is to say, still few victims and minor forms of the, we can't move forward on our immunity.
Therefore, be careful all ! Limit physical contact and stay at home !
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