IMF : Funding for coronavirus control #Covid19 #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
IMF : Financing the fight against coronavirus IMF : Funding for coronavirus control. International donors, including the IMF (International Monetary Fund), continue to provide financial support to Madagascar in the fight against coronavirus. He has
MVE at Coco Lodge Majunga every Tuesday #MieuxVivreEnsembleaMadagascar #ConseillersConsulairesDesFrançaisDeMadagascar #MyMadagascar #MahajangaMaVille
MVE at Coco Lodge Majunga every Tuesday To live better together in a serene community, a free reception service, listening, information and advice will be provided by the volunteers of "Better Living Together in Majunga" -MVE- every Tuesday from 5:00 p.m.