Majunga, cosmopolitan city, is a land that lives the culture of all its people. Very safe city, very quiet and full of life at the same time, Majunga offers an exceptional playground for lovers of adventure and discovery..
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Back to school in Mayotte : Un effort constant pour la réouverture des écoles À Mayotte, authorities are making considerable efforts to ensure the reopening of schools after the devastation of Cyclone Chido. This is so that students can resume their

Caves of Anjohibe : Un trésor caché à Majunga La grotte d’Anjohibe, a natural gem of Majunga that promises breathtaking discoveries and breathtaking landscapes. Un joyau caché de Majunga Située dans le Nord-Ouest de Madagascar, in the region of

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EMIRATES : NOUVELLE PORTE ENTRE MADAGASCAR ET LE MONDE A TRAVERS LE HUB DE DUBAÏ Le vol inaugural de la compagnie Emirates Airlines est attendu à l'aéroport international d'Ivato à ce jour, Tuesday 3 September 2024 at 3:35 p.m.. The first Dubai flight -

The Malagasy Gastronomy, something to discover ! Madagascar has a very rich and diverse cultural identity.. Malagasy cuisine is one of them. It brings together all the varied culinary traditions of each region of the country.. Where does the diversity of cuisine come from?

AIR : Ethiopian Airlines étend ses vols dans le ciel malagasy Depuis le début du mois de juillet 2024, Ethiopian Airlines announced the increase of its flight frequencies to Madagascar. The Ethiopian company will operate around ten flights per week

Majunga in celebration : Festival de fruits de mer Ce 05, 06 and 13 July 2024, an unmissable tourist event will take place in Majunga. The town of Majunga will celebrate with the seafood festival. The fruit festival

Madagascar est le premier pays à bénéficier d’un prêt climatique Le vendredi 21 June 2024, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund announced to grant a loan of 321 million dollars for Madagascar over three years to “stimulate